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The Suppliers tab is where the Suppliers, Plants and Mix Design lists are maintained.  Both plants and mix designs are associated to (owned by) a suppliers.

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Managing Suppliers / Plants / Mix Designs


  • Select a Supplier or select Add.


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Adding a Supplier

To add a Supplier, simply click the Add button in the upper-right corner of the Supplier grid.

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Adding a Plant or Mix Design

Both Plants and Mix Designs are associated to (owned by) a Supplier. First select the Supplier for the Plant and / or Mix Design you want to add. Like with Suppliers, click the Add button to add your plant and / or mix design.

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Importing Mix Designs

Mixed Designs can be imported using the Import Mixed Designsbutton.  A simple .csv text file is imported to build a list of mix designs for a given supplier.  Only mix designs for a single supplier can be uploaded during an import process, but the process can be repeated for subsequent mix designs.



Field values should NOT have commas in them unless the field value is surrounded by double quotation marks ( " ).

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Managing Draft Suppliers / Plants / Mix Designs

Prohibiting Entry of Draft Values

Users (field technicians) can be prevented from entering Draft values in the Field module. Simply remove the check mark in the respective Allow Draft Values field above the appropriate Supplier, Plant or Mix Design grids.

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Since suppliers and plants tend to be more predictable (can be entered ahead of time), a firm may choose to not allow Draft values to be entered for suppliers and plants, but allow Draft mix design values to be entered.

Finding Draft Values

New suppliers, plants and mix designs added in the Field module by field technicians get added into MetaField in Draft status.  Administrators Administrators need to review and activate any Draft records on a regular basis.You  You can easily filter all of the supplier, plant and mix design lists to just the entries that are in Draft status.  Click the Show only suppliers with a draft Supplier, Plant and / or Mix Design check box next to the Suppliers search button.  Selecting Selecting this check box will filter the underlying data to just the Draft entries.  If If you click on a supplier it will show you any draft plants or mix designs that are associated with that supplier.To  To activate a Draft record, simply click the standard Activate button in the data grid.  Doing so will make the record visible in supplier / plant / mix design pick lists going forward.



It's critical that somebody own this active review of Draft suppliers / plants / mix designs. By making these Draft entries active, they become values that technicians can select in the Field module versus having to type them. In addition, it ensures better data integrity and avoids situations where "Plant 1" and "Plant #1" are entered and really mean the same thing, but to MetaField are really different values.

Batch Reassignment

Draft values can be reassigned in batch. Click the wrench icon in the respective grid. A pop up will be displayed that allows you to select a new supplier / plant / mix design. The system will batch reassign those sample records to the new value you want to use.

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This is batch reassignment utility is valuable when you need to take, for example, all "ABC-123" mix designs and reassign them to the "ABC123".