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While working on these exercises, utilize the Help feature in MetaField (located in the upper right corner) to answer any questions.

Concrete / Grout / Mortar Work Queues

  • From the MetaField Main Menu, navigate to LIMS > Concrete / Grout / Mortar Work Queues.
  • Use the Lab filter at the top of the page to select a lab. Make sure the lab selected has data related to it by viewing the grid beneath the filters. Select a different lab if necessary.

Receiving Specimens

1.Ensure the To Receive category on the left is selected (expose the left navigation by clicking the button to the left of the breadcrumbs)
2.Select the Print Receiving List button to print a list of all specimens in this lab's To Receive queue.
3.To relate a specimen to a different lab, select that specimen, select the Change Lab button, then select the new lab.
4.Select one or two specimens and select the Receive Specimens button to receive them into the lab.

Select a specimen, add another specimen to the set by selecting the Add Specimen button.

  1. You will get a pop up asking if you want to continue adding a specimen to the set.  Select OK.
  2. Enter in all required fields. Save. 
6.Optional: To preview a specimen label, select one or more specimens then select the Print Label button. Exit the preview window if you don't want to print.

Once "Received," specimens will move to the Testable or To Test queue, depending on their test date. 

  • Specimens that have been received will appear in the Testable queue until they reach their test age. 
  • Specimens that have been received and have reached or exceeded their test age, will appear in the To Test queue.

Using the Testable Queue

1.Select the Testable button on the left hand navigation. Then select Cast Cylinders directly under it.
2.Select a specimen from the table. Make note of the sample and set numbers displayed for that specimen.
3.Select the Modify Test Date button and change the test date to today's date. (The specimen will disappear from the To Test queue).

Testing Specimens

1.Select To Test on the left hand navigation. Then select Cast Cylinders directly under it. Rows for specimens to be tested today will be white. Rows for specimens which have exceeded their Test Dates will be red.
2.Preview a break list using the Print Break List button. You may choose to exit the preview window without printing.
3.Locate the specimen for which you changed the test date to today. Select this specimen and at least one other specimen.

Select Enter Test Results.

5.Enter values to all fields in this area.
6.Save the tests.
  1. Practice using the auto fill controls for a column (small arrow to the right of each column heading) to set the same value to all cells in that column.
  2. While entering test results, do not enter results for one of the specimens; instead, select the untested checkbox.

Reviewing Specimens

1.Select To Review on the left hand navigation. Then select Cast Cylinders.
2.Optional: Select a specimen and edit the test results using the Edit Results button.

Select one specimen and select the Revert Test Results button.

  1. A pop up will appear saying test results will be removed and the specimen will return to the testable queue. Select Yes.
    Note that the test disappears from the To Review queue and is now in the Testable queue.
4. Navigate back to LIMS using the breadcrumb controls at the top of the page (Breadcrumbs appear as:  Home > LIMS Concrete Work Queues).
5.Select the LIMS > Concrete Work Queues link.
6.Back in LIMS > Concrete Work Queues, make sure you are still in the To Review queue.
7.Select one of the specimens tested above (it will have a Test Date = today), and approve the test results using the Approve button.

Using the Done Queue


At the top of the page, use the filter control to show results for only today by indicating today's date in both the start test date and end test date fields. By default, your filter is set to show tests within the last 30 days.

2.Select the Done button to the left. Then select Cast Cylinders.
3.Select a Specimen and edit the results using the Edit Results button.
4.Optional: Revert Test Results from the Done Queue. 
5.Return to the LIMS main screen.

Cast Cylinder Diameter Averages

  • This page within the LIMS module allows a lab to measure the appropriate amount of cylinders to get a diameter average that will be used for the days testing for a specific specimen size. These averages will be auto populated when entering lab results.  

Entering Daily Cast Cylinder Diameter Measurements
1.From the MetaField Main Menu, navigate to LIMS > Cast Cylinder Diameter Averages
2.Use the filters at the top of the page to specify the Lab, specimen size, and date that you would like to enter measurements for.
3.Select Search to determine if measurements have already been added.

If no measurements have been added, select Add Measurements.

  1. Enter in Diameter 1 and Diameter 2 measurements for the number of specified specimens
  2. Select Save.


The system will automatically populate the number of measurements needed to calculate the daily average based on the number of specimens that need to be tested.


Optional: Navigate to LIMS > Concrete / Grout / Mortar and select the To Test queue in the left navigation pane.

  1. Select Cast Cylinders directly underneath To Test.
  2. Filter on the Lab and specimen size you entered your cylinder diameter measurements for and select Search.
  3. Select a specimen or two and select Enter Test Results.
    1. Notice that your Diameter 1, Diameter 2, and Average Diameter fields are pre-populated.
  4. Select Cancel and navigate back to the LIMS main menu.


Soil Proctor Results

Add a Proctor

1.Navigate to LIMS > Soil Proctor Results.

Add a Proctor using the Add Proctor button. At a minimum, supply the following required fields:

  1. Project Number (proctors may only be entered for active projects).
  2. Assign it a Proctor ID.
  3. Soil Classification (defined in the Administrative module).
  4. Optimum Moisture (%).
  5. Maximum Density (pcf).

OptionalDefine any other fields you wish to include information on. A few of the fields need to be defined elsewhere first such as:

  1. Standards, Methods, Source, and Geologic Origin (defined in Administration > LIMSs > Soil Proctors)
  2. Family Curve (defined inLIMS > Soil Proctor Results > View Proctors > Add Family Curve For This Project)
4.Save the Proctor.
5.Return to the LIMS main screen.

Viewing Proctors


Navigate to LIMS > Soil Proctor Results > View Proctors.

  1. If in the same session in which you entered your Proctor, the related project will open.
  2. If this is not the case, search for your Project and select the View Proctors link next to it.
2.Optional: Edit your Proctor by using the Edit button on the right side of the in the Proctor grid.

Optional: If you would like to add an image to a proctor, proctor curve, or family curve, select a proctor and select the Upload Proctor Curve / Image button.

  1. Select either Proctor Image or Proctor Curve and browse for the the file by selecting Upload.
  2. Select Save.
4.Deactivate your Proctor by using the Deactivate button on the right side of the Proctor grid.
5.Return to the LIMS main screen.

Bituminous Results

Add Bituminous Density

1.Navigate to LIMS > Bituminous Results.
2.Select Add Bituminous Density.
3.At a minimum, supply the following required fields:
  1. Project Number.
  2. Assign it a Sample ID.
  3. Max Density (pcf).
  4. Test Method (defined in the Administrative module).
4.Save the Sample.
5.All samples for the related project should now be displayed
6.Optional Go back to the main page of LIMS and navigate to Bituminous Results > View Bituminous Density and locate the Sample you entered.
7.Deactivate the Sample you added.
8.Return to the LIMS main screen.

Reports - Billing

1.Navigate to Utilities > Billing Data Extract.
2.Select the Soil Proctor tab.

Select one or more tests, then select Extract Selected Records.

4.Save the file to your desktop and view it. This record is now considered "Billed".
5.Change the Billed filter from No to Yes and select Search.
6.Select one Proctor from the resulting list
7.Select the Download Past Extract button.
8.Optional:Save the file to your desktop and view it.