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Setup Tasks


From the MetaField main menu, navigate to Administration.

  1. Open the left hand navigation by clicking the button in the upper lefthand corner of the screen under the MetaField icon.
  2. Pin down the lefthand navigation by clicking the pin icon in the upper right corner of the navigation pane.
2.On the General > Settings page, find the setting for the Time Zone and set it to the correct Time Zone for your company

On the General > Locations page, add, edit, and delete locations, using the instructions below:

  1. Add
    1. Add one Location for use in Field Density only.
    2. Add one Location for use in all 6 areas.
  2. Edit
    1. Select the Edit control for one of the locations you added. Change the name of the location.
    2. Edit areas from the grid on the main page for the other location you added.
    3. Choose one location and deactivate it by clicking the square deactivate control.
    4. Change the filter at the top of the page from Active to Inactive.
    5. Find that same Location and reactivate it by clicking the triangular activate control.
  3. Delete the 2 Locations you added earlier by clicking the "x" delete control.

Review the options on the Density Testing > Settings page and set the Minimum and Maximum Specified Compaction and whether Maximum Specified Compaction is required.

5.Under Density Testing > Nuclear Gauges, add at least one Gauge for testing.
6.Under Density Testing > Drive Cylinders, add at least one Cylinder.

Add a Supplier for Bituminous Materials under Density Testing > Suppliers. When you add a Supplier, you are able to add any related Plants and/or Mix Designs.

  1. Add at least one Plant and one Mix Design for the Supplier you just added.
  2. Optional: To see how Mix Designs can also be imported from a .csv file, click the Import Mix Designs button and review the Upload popup. Click the Cancel button to close that popup.
8.On the Density Testing > Standards page, add a value to the list.

Create a Specimen Size. To do this:

  1. On the LIMS / Samples > Specimen Sizes page, select Add Specimen Size.
  2. Enter all of the required values, including at least one Sample Type. (You will use this same Specimen Size (and Sample Type) in the Concrete Specimens step that follows.)

Create a default set of Concrete Specimens. To do this:

  1. On the Concrete / Grout Mortar > Specimen Settings page, select Add Specimen Setting.
    1. Select the Sample Type related to the new Specimen Size you added in the previous step.
    2. Select your newly added Specimen Size.
    3. Enter all other required fields.
    4. Select Add Specimen Setting again, and repeat as many times as needed until your settings are reflective of a typical “Set” of Specimens for a given Sample Type and Specimen Size combination.
    5. Optional: Verify that your new Specimen Size and default set show up when logging a Concrete Sample in MetaField, Field > Concrete.
    6. When you are done with this exercise:
      1. On the Concrete / Grout / Mortar > Specimen Settings page, deactivate the settings you entered.
      2. On the Sample Tracking > Specimen Sizes page, deactivate or delete the value you added.
11.On the Reports > Settings page, review the various report settings and edit a setting for the Consolidated report type by clicking the pencil-shaped Edit button.
12.On the Reports > Report Labels page, add a new Report Label.

On the Reports > Report Email Message page, edit/add an email message.


Optional: You may test both Report Settings and Report Labels by creating a report within MetaField.

  1. You may test by emailing yourself a report from Delivery.

On the Activity > Forms page, create one new Group and add a single Form with custom fields to that group (this example will show you how to create Discrepancy Fields on a form which will allow you to track through Discrepancy Reporting within QC). To do this

  1. Add a group.  Select the Add Group button.

    1. Select the new group you just added. NOTE: when selected, notice the parent (Group) to child (Form) relationship among the grids. Based on the Group you select, the Forms grid will display the forms that fall under the selected group.
    2. Add a form. Select the Add Form button.
    3. Select the Form you just added by clicking on the form name. Notice that you will navigate to a new page called Form Designer.
      1. NOTE: By default, Activity Name, Date, and Technician fields are added to the new Form. (The minimum fields you can have on a form).
    4. Change the label of the "Technician" field to "Observed By", by selecting the edit (pencil) icon on the respective field.
    5. Add a new Field by selecting the Add Field button.
      1. Add a Label. (Example: Were there any discrepancies?)
      2. Choose a Field Type: (Example: Yes / No)
      3. Choose the field to be required or not (Example: Check True)
      4. Under Settings, select Add. Select the Discrepancy Indicator type. Select Save.
    6. Add another new Field by selecting the Add Field button.
      1. Add a Label. (Example: Discrepancy Description)
      2. The system name DiscrepancyDescription will automatically populate upon saving.
      3. Choose a Field Type: (Example: Text Area)
      4. Choose the field to be required.
    7. Add another new Field by selecting the Add Field button.
      1. Add a Label. (Example: Status)
      2. Edit the system name to DiscrepancyStatus (this will allow these values to be tracked within Discrepancy Reporting).
      3. Choose a Field Type: (Example: Pick List)
      4. Choose the field to be required.
      5. Add a two Options by selecting Add under options.
        1. Provide a Label: (Example:  Open) Save.
        2. Provide a Label: (Example:  Closed) Save. 
      6. Add a Field Setting by selecting Add under settings.
        1. Select the type Discrepancy Status Close Indicator
        2. Select a Value. (Closed) Save.
      7. Add another Field Setting.
        1. Select the type Discrepancy Status Open Indicator
        2. Select a Value. (Open) Save. 
    8. Add one more new field by selecting the Add Field button.
      1. Add a Label: (Example: Resolution)
      2. Add a system name ResolutionDescription (this will allow these values to be tracked within Discrepancy Reporting).
      3. Select Type: (Example: Text Area)
      4. Choose the field to be required
      5. Add a Visualization Rule by selecting Edit. 
      6. Select DiscrepancyStatus in the available fields in the right column (double click the field). Click the "=" sign, Select "Closed" in the available fields that will appear below. Save.
    9. Add one final new field by selecting the Add Field button.
      1. Add a Label: (Example: Resolution Date)
      2. Add a system name ResolutionDate (this will allow these values to be tracked within Discrepancy Reporting).
      3. Select Type: (Example: Date)
      4. Choose the field to be required
      5. Choose to show in Field and QC, and also allow editing.
      6. Add a Visualization Rule by selecting Edit. 
      7. Select DiscrepancyStatus in the Available Fields in the right column (double click the field). Click the "=" sign, Select "Closed" in the Available Fields that will appear below. Save.
  2. Create the Report
    1. Select the Report Designer button.
    2. Select Add New Report.
    3. Provide Name, Code, and Default Title to create your report. Select Create.
    4. From the Report Designer screen, notice all of the other Report Settings that can be configured for a report.
    5. Add Elements, Datasets, and Properties to your report.
    6. Click Save (disk icon).
  3. Look back to the Forms grid. Notice the status of the form you've been working on is in "Draft". This means that only you can see and test this form throughout Field. This helps limit Field users from using a form in production that is not ready. Once you feel your form is tested throughout Field and QC, and ready for production, you can change the status of the form to "Active" by selecting the pencil icon. Once Active, other users can then see and enter in activity records using this form.
    1. Alternatively you can use "Test" status to allow users that were grated a role with the "Test Forms" permission to view and edit the form in Field.
  4. Navigate from the home screen to Field > Activity. Locate the activity form you created by selecting the Group that you created, and select the form within the group.
    1. Note: You can complete an activity form with no internet connection by selecting Offline.
    2. Create a discrepancy. Give the discrepancy a description and select "Open" for the status. Save. Notice you will get confirmation that your activity form was saved and you will be provided an Activity Number.
    3. Select Create Report. The filters should be pre-selected with the form you just filled out. Select the Create Report button.
    4. You will see the form you filled out available to select. Select the form. Select Next.
    5. Select Send Email. Put your email address in the "To" field and enter a Message. Select Submit. You will get a validation prompt saying that your report was saved successfully.
    6. Alternatively you can create the same Activity report by selecting "Field Reports" from the Field home screen.
    7. Select Home and then select MetaField Home.
  5. Now navigate from home to Quality Control > Activity.
    1. Locate you project. Select View Activities. If your project is not under the recent Projects grid, search for it using the search criteria and select Search.
    2. Select the Discrepancy Report button. Notice the discrepancy you just created appears on this report. If you don't see it, click the Activity date column header to resort from newest to oldest.
  6. Navigate back to Field > Activity.
    1. Select Manage Open Discrepancies.
    2. Locate your Activity by scrolling down to find the form and activity. Alternatively you can enter in search criteria and search for it.
    3. Select your Activity. Update the status to closed. Notice that the Resolution fields that you applied visualization rules to now show up.
    4. Enter in a resolution description and a resolution date.
    5. Select Next in the lower right hand corner. Select Save.
  7. Optional: Navigate back to Quality Control > Activity.
    1. Open up the Discrepancy Report again and notice there is more information populated on the report.
16.In Labs LIMS / Samples > Labs page, add a new Lab.
17.Optional: Navigate to Lab > Concrete Work Queues and view where the value appears in the dropdown list for Lab.
18.Deactivate or Delete the Lab value you just added.
19.Add values to additional lists used within the MetaField Lab module.
20.Optional: Exit Administration and Navigate to Lab > Concrete / Grout / Mortar Work Queues > Enter Test Results and view the dropdowns to see the new values you just added (for Capping Method, Remarks, Fracture Types, or Beam Failure Location).

On the Lab LIMS / Samples > Soil Proctors, add one of each of the four proctor-related values (which will be available for use elsewhere in MetaField):

  1. Standards (both density and moisture), Source, and Origin values are all available in dropdowns when adding a Proctor.
  2. Method values are available in a dropdown when performing a One-Point Density Test.
22.Optional: View your new values in the dropdowns in the Add Proctor screen in Lab, and in the One-Point Test screen when adding a One-Point Density Test in Field.
23.Delete or Deactivate 1 of the values you just added in the Lab LIMS / Samples > Soil Proctors.
24. Optional: On the Lab > Tests LIMS / Samples > Test Forms page, create one new Test Group and add a single Test with custom fields (note Lab tests and Lab Reports are built the same as Activity forms).

 On the Lab LIMS / Samples > Compressive Strength Alerts, add compressive strength alerts  to Cast Cylinders. Select Add Alert.

  1. Select a Sample Type, Specified Test Age, From Test Age, To Test Age, and Alert Level (%).
  2. Optional: Select the Break Remarks. Save.
  3. Select Add Alert again, and repeat as many times as needed until your settings are reflective of a typical “Set” of Specimens for a given Sample Type and test age combination.

On the Sample Tracking > Sample Types page, add a new sample. To do this:

  1. Select the Add Sample Type button.
    1. Provide a Name and Code for the new sample. Create
    2. On the Sample Tracking > Specimen Sizes, select the Add Specimen Size button.
    3. Provide a Name (required), Diameter / Width, Height / Length, and Depth (Optional).
      1. Assign the new size to the Sample you just added by selecting the appropriate check box.  Save.
        NOTE: By selecting the checkbox, you have now associated the size you just added, with the sample you also just added. This does not mean it is the default size, however.
    4. Select the Sample Types page once again. Now, select the edit (pencil) icon for the Sample you've added on the grid.
    5. Select the Default Specimen Size drop down list, and associate a default specimen size with the sample.
      1. NOTE: This size will now be the default size when added by a field user for this sample type. This size can be overwritten.
