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Step #Step DescriptionPurposeScreenshotWhat this step is telling meHelp Link (More Info)
1.Begin by navigating to the Dashboard from the Home screen of MetaField.The Dashboard provides real time counts of various data records and reports that are in your system, all of which have different "statuses" to call certain attention.


Using the the navigational panel on the left side of your screen, select the Delivery tab.

NOTE: At this time, you may want to consider applying a filter for yourself as the Project Manager. Without a filter applied, you will be viewing data at a global level.

You will see there are two statuses for reports:

  • Complete
  • Final

NOTE: There isn't a status for Delivered. MetaField will not draw attention to reports that have already been sent to the client, therefor Delivered reports are not tracked. This allows you to focus on what still needs to be delivered.

3.Select Complete within your Dashboard

The Complete status means that reports have NOT been delivered, and have NOT been digitally signed.

The real time number, indicates how many Complete reports there are, based on your filtering above.

After clicking Complete, you will see a list of projects displayed below, that will make up the overall sum of Complete reports, based on your filtering again.

You have "X" amount of reports that need to be digitally signed, and need to be delivered.
4.Select a project # (blue hyperlink)

You will see a project #, with the amount of Complete reports next to it. When clicking the Project #, this will bring you to the Delivery module of MetaField.


You are now in the Delivery module.

Notice two important keys right away.

  1. There is a shortcut back to the Dashboard near the upper left side of your screen. If you do not see this, select the icon with "3 bars" to expose.
  2. Observe your filters near the top. Note that there is a Status filter = Complete. The system has pre-filtered you for reports that are in Complete status, because of your selection in the Dashboard, in steps above.

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These are your reports that are ready to be signed, and need to be delivered. Select the appropriate reports to either sign, and or deliver. MetaField will auto mark the reports that you've delivered to the status of "Delivered". 

The total number of records in the lower right hand corner, should match the number that clicked on earlier in the Dashboard for Complete reports. Again, remember that Complete means these reports have not been delivered (and have not been digitally signed.)

As you sign and email reports from this screen, using this filter, your count should begin to work it's way towards zero, signaling to you that all reports in "Complete" status, have been delivered.



Using the shortcut on the upper left hand side, navigate back to the Dashboard.

Selecting Dashboard, will allow you to begin a cycle of this workflow, to delivering all reports across your projects.

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8. Similar to step 3, in your Dashboard, navigate to Delivery but this time, select Final.

The Final status means that reports have NOT been delivered, but, have been digitally signed.

The real time number, indicates how many Final reports there are, based on your filtering above.

After clicking Final, you will see a list of projects displayed below, that will make up the overall sum of Final reports, based on your filtering again

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You have "X" amount of reports that need to are digitally signed, and need to be delivered.
9. Select a project # (blue hyperlink)You will see a project #, with the amount of Final reports next to it. When clicking the Project #, this will bring you to the Delivery module of MetaField.

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10.You are now in the Delivery module.

Notice two important keys right away.

  1. There is a shortcut back to the Dashboard near the upper left side of your screen. If you do not see this, select the icon with "3 bars" to expose.
  2. Observe your filters near the top. Note that there is a Status filter = Final. The system has pre-filtered you for reports that are in Final status, because of your selection in the Dashboard, in steps above.

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These are your reports that are have already been digitally signed but, need to be Delivered. Select the appropriate reports to deliver. MetaField will auto mark the reports that you've delivered to the status of "Delivered". 

The total number of records in the lower right hand corner, should match the number that clicked on earlier in the Dashboard for Final reports. Again, remember that Final means these reports have already been signed.

As email reports from this screen, using this filter, your count should begin to work it's way towards zero, signaling to you that all reports in "Final" status, have been delivered.

11.Create a new a filter for yourself, that you can use later. Navigate to the Delivery Status filter, and apply "Not Delivered". Near the top, you will see a "Save Filter". Select save, and populate this new filter with something like, "Not Delivered".

This is likely the most critical filter that you can apply, when working in Delivery on a day to day basis. Over time, there will be many reports that are sent to Delivery, which is your internal report repository for a project. 

When you simply apply a "Not Delivered" filter, this will immediately provide a visual on all reports that still need to be sent to the client. 

Both Complete (not digital signed) and Final (digitally signed), are netted within this filter.

THESE ARE THE REPORTS THAT YOU NEED TO DELIVER. The amount in the lower right hand corner, is a sum of Complete and Final reports, signaled from the Dashboard.

This filter creates a workflow for you, to potentially sign and deliver all outstanding reports. As you email reports to the client, they will begin to "disappear" from your screen, because you are filter for all non delivered reports. 

MetaField will automatically mark your reports as delivered at the moment of emailing.

When all of your reports are gone from this filtered screen, you have successfully delivered all of your outstanding reports.

12.With the filter applied in the step above, select a report and click the email button. As practice, email a report to yourself. You will see that with the filter applied, the report you grab will either be in Complete or Final status. It doesn't matter which status you use in this exercise. Just recall the difference between the two.

As you email the report to yourself, see that the report "disappears" from your screen. The report didn't actually disappear. It was simply removed from your view, based on  your filter. As you email reports that are not delivered, the system will auto mark them as delivered for you.

After you email the report, pay attention to how the number of records displayed in the lower right hand corner, has dropped accordingly.

13For review, at the top of your screen, change your "Delivery Status" filter to "Delivered".Locate the report that you just delivered. Note how the report status changed to "Delivered". You will also see an "envelope" looking icon, that you can click on, and track who this report has been sent to.

Track every recipient that this report has been sent to. If needed, you can "re-deliver" this report to the same, or more recipients, using the email button again.
14.Using the shortcut on the upper left side of you screen, navigate back to the Dashboard.This will step will begin the cycle again, allowing you to work with reports in a new project.

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15.Remain selected on Delivery on the Dashboard.

Now that you are familiar with what the two counts mean, Complete and Final, your goal for each day is to make sure these counts remain as zero, which essentially means you have no outstanding reports that need to be delivered. 

If you do see counts, continue the steps above through the various projects, that make up the sum of these counts.

Keep in mind, you may want to be filtering by yourself as the project manager.

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Begin each day by starting in the Dashboard to become familiar with what reports you need to sign and/or deliver today.