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complete the appropriate fields in the Add New Work Order screen. Note that some fields are required.

 Image Added

  • Choose one or more work items to be completed for a specific date and time range
  • The list of Work Items is maintained by your MetaField Administrator
  • This is a required field
The order in which Address Address address City City



Work Item

titleWork Item Order
Default WBS
  • This section will only be visible if there are active WBS elements defined in Administration
  • This is not required
  • The drop down values are defined under WBS in Project Administration
  • The values selected here will be the default WBS fields filled in on the forms for the Work Items selected below (unless defined otherwise below)
  • These selections apply to both DIY and Discrete forms

Work Item

  • Choose one or more work items to be completed for a specific date and time range
  • Scroll to find Work Item(s) or use the search bar to quickly find Work Item
  • The list of Work Items is maintained by your MetaField Administrator
  • This is a required field
  • If default WBS values are defined above and a work item has different values then those default values, they can be selected in the work item's row
titleWork Item Order

The order in which your Work Items appear is controlled in Administration.

Require Form Tracking
  • Indicates if the work item should have a completed form tracked against it
  • Defaults from the Require Linked Form setting on the Work Item record managed in Administration
Linked Forms
  • Contains a (clickable) link to the related form completed as a result of performing the work for that work item
  • work item


  • This will default to the Project Address but can be overridden as necessary

  • Identify the address where the work should take place


  • This will default to the Project City but can be overridden as necessary

  • Identify the City where the work should take place

State / Province
  • This will default to the Project

  • City but can be overridden as necessary

  • Identify the

  • State / Province where the work should take place

Postal Code
  • This will default to the Project City but can be overridden as necessary

  • Identify the

  • Postal Code where the work should take place


  • Optional field that allows you to enter a location specific to the work to be performed

  • Field technicians will be able to view the Location entered here when accessing their Work Orders


  • Select this box when the same work occurs across multiple days

  • If selected, Ends On, How Often, and Repeats Every fields are also required

As Available

  • Select this box when the work does not have a set start and end time

  • Technician will be notified that the work should be preformed on the selected date only

  • If this is selected, then select a more granular time of the day if necessary from the following options: 
    • All Day (default selection)

    • Morning

    • Afternoon

    • Evening

    • Overnight

Start Date / Time / Duration

  • Enter the starting date and time for when this work is to be performed. Provide a duration for the work

  • Start Time and Duration are required fields unless you select As Available

Is Free / Is Certified / Previously Scheduled on Project

  • Select one of these options will filter the list of Technicians
classView All Technicians

Click the Space bar to view all the Technicians available

Is Free

Filters list to Technicians who are not previously scheduled during the same time frame

Not available when you choose "As Available"

Is Certified

Filters list to Technicians who hold the necessary certification(s)

Previously Scheduled on ProjectFilters list to Technicians who have been scheduled for a Work Item for the selected job.

Technicians (data grid)

  • Select Add Technician and type in the desired technician who will be performing or overseeing the work

  • All Active Technicians as well as generic users are available for selection

  • Select Save

  • Repeat this action to add multiple technicians to the work order

  • This is a required field for every status except Draft

    titleWork Orders with Multiple Technicians

    The status of a work order assigned to multiple technicians can be updated for each technician, or for all technicians on the order. A dialogue prompt will ask you to specify when making updates.

Requested Date and Time

  • Enter the date and time the Work Order was requested

  • This is an optional field

Requested By

  • Enter the person who requested the work

  • This is an optional field

  • Distribution lists can be referenced when selecting names to be added to this field

  • Project contacts can be referenced when selecting names to be added to this field
  • Information will be available for the Field Tech in Field > My Assignments as well as on work order emails

Phone Number

  • Enter the phone number of the person who requested the work

  • This is an optional field

  • Information will be available for the Field Tech in Field > My Assignments as well as on work order emails

Notes for Technician

  • Optional field that allows you to enter additional notes for the technician

  • Field technician will be able to view these Notes when accessing his Work Orders

Notes for Scheduler

  • Optional field that allows you to enter additional notes for the scheduler

  • Field technician will not be able to see these notes

Submit to Technician(s)

  • Use this button to save your work order in the status "Submitted"

  • Field Technicians assigned will be notified once the Work Order is saved

Save as Draft

  • Use this button to save your work order in the status of Draft

  • Field Technicians assigned will not be notified of this Work Order until the status is updated from Draft


  • When a Work Order end date and time has past the current date and time, the Work Order times will display shaded in red in list view.

  • When navigating to the list view from a different view, the date range will be pre-filtered based on the page you were navigating from. For example if you navigated to the list view from the Calendar > Month view, the filters and corresponding results will be for the month you just navigated from.

    Hover over the map pin icon in the grid to see location information.

    just navigated from.

  • Hover over the map pin icon in the grid to see location information.


As of the 2023.15.3885 update, the 'Print Selected Work Orders' and 'Print All Work Orders' buttons have been replaced with the Export dropdown menu: 

Button / Feature / Function


Print Selected Work OrdersExport → Download 

  • Generates a work order report in PDF format for the work orders selected from the search results grid.

  • Work Orders will show on the report in the same order that they display on the screen. To change the sort order, select one of the columns on the List view grid

Print All Work OrdersExport → Send Combined

  • Generates a work order report in PDF format for all work orders in the search results gridsearch results grid that is emailed to all recipients entered into the 'Send to" field. 

  • Work Orders will show on the report in the same order that they display on the screen. To change the sort order, select one of the columns on the List view grid

Export → Send Personalized 
  • Emails a PDF report to selected group of recipients. Each recipient will receive a personalized schedule. Each individual recipient will only receive an export of the subset of work orders they are responsible for.

Change Status

  • Allows you to update the status of multiple work orders in a batch

Change Technician

  • Allows you to update the technician of multiple work orders in a batch

  • Changing Technicians in a batch for work orders assigned to multiple technicians is not allowed


  • Refreshes the results grid so recently updated work orders are reflected accordingly

  • Performing any kind of update on the list view will automatically trigger a refresh


Technician View

Use / Description / Features

  • Can be used to bring day view to display the current dates schedule
  • Can be used to bring week view to display the current weeks schedule


  • Allows you to view the calendar for a selected week

  • Toggle between weeks using the arrow icons on each side of the date range above the calendar

  • Click within the technicians grid to add a work order for a selected technician for a given start date


  • Allows you to view the calendar for a selected day

  • Toggle between days using the arrow icons on each side of the date range above the calendarthe calendar

  • Click within the technicians grid to add a work order for the selected technician for a given start date and time

  • Click within the technicians grid As Available area to add a work order for the selected technician for a given start date and time

  • Click within the As Available area to add a work order for the selected technician for a given day with the As available checkbox pre-selected

Work Order Email Messages


  • day with the As available checkbox pre-selected

Work Order Email Messages

Technicians will receive notifications when work orders are submitted to them. If the user has an Alert Email defined on their user record, they will receive individual notifications for each work order at that address. If not, the notification will be sent to the regular email address on their user record. The Alert Email is often used to store the mobile carrier's email address for a text message so the notifications come across as a text message instead of an email. If changes to work orders are performed in a batch action and the user is receiving the notification at their regular email address, the notifications will be batched together. Individual messages will be sent to the Alert Email to avoid text messaging platforms truncating the notification in an inappropriate place. Additionally, if certain items are updated by the Scheduler, the Technician will also receive this updated information via email. 


Deleting a work order that is in the status of Assigned or Accepted will also notify the Technician that the event has been cancelled. However, if you'd like to keep the work order on the calendar for tracking purposes, the canceled status should be used instead.Reassigning  Reassigning a work order to a different technician will notify the original technician that the work order has been reassigned.
