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Table of Contents
Table of Contents


The Sample Tracking Work Queues section of LIMS is used to process generic samples that have been checked into the lab and need to be tested. The following workflow functions are performed in this module:

  • Specimens are "received" into the lab (after field technicians check specimens into the lab)
  • Tests are assigned to specimens
  • Tests are performed and results recorded on configured forms
  • Test results are approved from a lab perspective and made available for reporting in the Quality Control module

Filter Pane

The filter pane can be used to filter the underlying queue data by a variety of variables. Filter controls that appear are configured in the Administration module by your MetaField administrator. Filter sets can be saved for future use in the Select A Filter pick list. To provide more screen space, the filter pane can be collapsed using the arrow on the right side of the header bar.

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Left Navigation

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The left navigation pane can be exposed / hidden by using the button with the three lines to the left of bread crumb links.

Common Grid Icons

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  • Edits the test information

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  • Deletes the record

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  • Displays sample / specimen (field) data
  • Data is editable with the appropriate permission level
  • Opens lab (test) documents related to a test

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  • Displays a list of reports a test is reported on
  • Only available in the Done queue

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  • Displays Lab instructions assigned to the sample
  • Only available in the To Receive and Tests To Assign queues

Work Queues

To Receive

The To Receive queue shows all specimens that have been checked into the lab but have not been "received" into the lab workflow yet.

Receive Specimen
  • "Receives" the specimen into the lab workflow
Print Receiving List
  • Prints a paper receiving list that can be used to audit the receiving process in the lab

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Change Lab

  • Specimen can be associated to another lab if checked into the incorrect lab by mistake
No Tests For Specimen
  • Marks a specimen as having no lab tests and will terminate its workflow in the lab
Add Specimen
  • Adds an additional specimen to the selected sample

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Add Sample
  • Adds a brand new sample - user is ported to the Quality Control module to enter the sample
  • Useful when samples are dropped off in the lab by contractors where field staff was not involved in gathering the sample / specimens

Tests To Assign

The Test To Assign queue shows all specimens that have been received into the lab workflow that need to have specific lab tests assigned to them.

Assign Test(s)
  • Associates a lab test with the selected specimen
  • Lab Instructions provided in the Field are used to communicate which tests should be performed
    • User is able to see the requested tests (Lab Instructions) and "assign" a test to a particular specimen
    • Can optionally create new specimens during the assignment process - "splitting a specimen" (i.e. a large bag of soil arrives from the field and divided into smaller specimen sizes for testing)
    • Multiple lab tests can be associated with one specimen (i.e. specimens that are tested multiple time and not destroyed during the previous test)

    See the Assigning Tests sections below for detailed information on how tests are associated with specimens.

    Change Lab

    See Change Lab Above

    Add Specimen

    See Add Specimen Above

    Add SampleSee Add Sample Above

    Assigning Tests


    The general premise of the test assignment process is to indicate which specimen you want to execute the requested tests on. In addition, this process allows you to systematically split a specimen along with retaining a portion of a sample / specimen for future testing needs.

    Click the Assign TestTests(s) button to assign tests to the specimen (and potentially "split" specimens to support the required tests). The following pop up see a list of requested tests for the selected sample (sample number displayed above the grid). You should select at least one specimen to begin the test assignment process. If multiple specimens are selected (not necessary), they must be from the same sample. The following screen will appear and be pre-populated with the tests "orderedrequested" when the sample was logged. Additional tests can be added by clicking the Add Test button above the grid.

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    The Retain a Portion of the Original Specimen for Future Testing check box can be used to "retain" the original specimen for future testing (versus assuming all of it will be used for the selected tests). For example, you may have a large bag of aggregate that you receive. You take the necessary material from it to perform the initial tests ordered, but expect that future tests may need to be executed on that same material later.

    The Combine column can be used to "group" tests with a given specimen (i.e. a certain test does not destroy the  specimen and the material can be used again for another test). The values presented in the Combine pick lists are are arbitrary letters (A, B, C, etc.). Assign a "like" letter to the tests you want to associate to the same specimen.

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    Clicking Next will display a screen similar to the following. The system is taking the specimen you are assigning tests to and "splitting" it into individual specimens (one for each test) unless you forced a grouping using the Combine pick list in the previous screen. For each specimen / test that is created, you will need to supply the following (see table below).

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    Test Duration
    • Label only
    • Displays the number of days it takes to execute this test based on the test metadata defined in Administration
    • Label only
    • Comments from the Lab Instructions record
    Specimen Size
    • Size of the new specimen that is created
    • Default will be the specimen size of the original specimen
    Test Age
    • Age of the test (days)
    • If supplied, the Test Date will calculate based on the Sample Date + Test Age days
    Test Date
    • Date of the test (date)
    • If supplied, the Test Age will calculate based on the Test Date - Sample Date
    Lab Technician
    • Lab technician assigned to perform the test (optional)
    Test Notes
    • Notes regarding the execution of the test (reminders to lab technician, special instructions, etc.)
    Test Cost
    • Cost assigned to the test in Administration (will be blank if not defined in Administration)

    Click Save after all test details are defined to finish the process.following table outlines some of the fields / controls available on the Test Assignment screen.

    Field / ControlFunction
    Add Test (Button)
    • Adds an additional test that needs to be performed
    Apply Test Group (Button)
    • Adds a grouping of tests that can be assigned at once.
    • Optional
    • Test Groups can be maintained in Administration > LIMS/Samples > Test Groups. For more information, see the LIMS/Samples - Test Groups page.
    Specimen Number (Field)
    • Allows you to assign a test to a particular specimen by selecting a stand alone number (existing specimen number) in the pick list
    • Allows you to systematically create a new specimen / split a specimen by selecting a "New Split _" item in the pick list
    • Multiple tests can be assigned to a given existing or new specimen

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    Specimen numbers will default based on the selected specimens from the Tests To Assign work queue grid.

    Test (Field)
    • Specific test that needs to be performed

    If project-specific tests are defined in Project Administration (Specifications), only those defined tests will be displayed to the user in this pick list.

    Comments (Field)
    • Comments regarding the requested test from the Lab Instructions
    Test Duration (Field)
    • How many days it takes to perform the test
    • Optional - Will only display if it is defined on the Test form in Administration
    • Helpful when determining the Test Age / Test Date to assign to the test
    Specimen Size (Field)
    • Size of the specimen the test will be performed on
    • Will default if the Default Test Specimen Size is defined on the Test Form properties in Administration
    Test Age (Field)
    • Test Age (days from the Sample Date) the test should be performed (start)
    • Interrelated with the Test Date - if the Test Date value changes, the Test Age will recalculate
    Test Date (Field)
    • Date the test should be performed (start)
    • Interrelated with the Test Age - if the Test Age value changes, the Test Date will change
    Lab Technician (Field)
    • Lab Technician assigned to perform the test
    • Optional
    Test Notes (Field)
    • Specific notes / instructions for the lab technician
    • Defaults from Specifications if defined
    Test Cost (Field)
    • Customer cost to perform the test
    • Defaults from Specifications or Administration if defined
    • Optional
    Billing Test Code (Field)
    • Accounting code associated with the test
    • Defaults from Test Form properties if defined
    • Can be variable based on test specific data using calculation rules defined on the form field
    Billing Test Quantity (Field)
    • Quantity that is associated with the test for accounting purposes
    • Defaults to 1
    • Can be variable based on test specific data using calculation rules defined on the form field
    X (Button)
    • Deletes the test / Lab Instruction record
    Specimen To Retain For Future Testing (Field)
    • Defines the specimen number that should be retained for potential future use / future tests requested on that sample
    • You can't assign a specimen number to a test on this screen if it has been designated for future use
    Save (Button)
    • Saves the Test Assignment screen and associates the defined tests with the appropriate specimens
    • Systematically splits specimens and creates new specimen records as needed
    Cancel (Button)
    • Cancels the Test Assignment process
    Batch Fill Controls (Button)
    • Applies the same value to all tests in the grid
    • Added to the majority of columns in the grid
    • Optional

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    The Testable queue shows all tests that are waiting for the Test Date to arrive. This will include tests in progress with a Next Test Action Date and no Test Completed Date where the Next Test Action Date is in the future.


    The Testable queue is now displaying tests instead of specimens.

    Add Test

    See Add Test Above

    Modify Test Date

    • Test Date can be changed for a test

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    Change Lab
    • Specimen can be associated to another lab if checked into the incorrect lab by mistake
    Print Early Test List
    • Prints a report of the tests schedule for a future test date
    Add Specimen

    See Add Specimen Above

    To Test


    The To Test queue shows all tests where the test date equals the system date or prior. Overdue tests are highlighted in a red shading.


    Enter Test Results
    • Opens the configured test form to enter test data / results
    Add Test

    See Add Test Above

    Print Test List
    • Prints a report of the tests schedule for today
    Add SpecimenSee Add Specimen Above

    To view field (sample / specimen) data when entering test results, click the Show Sample / Specimen Data button at the bottom of the Enter Results screen. This will open another browser tab with the sample / specimen data data.

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    Tests In Progress

    . This will include test in progress with a Next Test Action Date and not Test Completed Date where the Next Test Action Date = system date (today)




    Enter Test Results
    • Opens the
    • test form to
    • enter test data / results
    • If multiple records for the same test form are selected, a batch entry grid will display to enter results (if the test form is configured for batch entry)
    Add Test

    See Add Test Above

    Print Test List
    • Prints a report of the tests schedule for today
    Add SpecimenSee Add Specimen Above

    To Review

    The To Review queue shows all completed test that are awaiting lab review and approval.

    • Marks the test as "Approved" (Approve By, Date Approved)
    • Changes the status of the test (in QC) from Lab-Review to Analyzed
    • Project manager is alerted in their Dashboard queue
    • Only users with appropriate permissions can approve LIMS results
    • User will be asked if they want to generate a batch report (can be generated across multiple projects)
    Add Test

    See Add Test Above

    Open In QC
    Edit Test
    • Opens the
    test in QC so a report can be generated for the test TipIf lab technicians need to create reports (versus project managers), lab technicians should be granted rights to Quality Control - Sample Tracking.
    • test form to edit test data / results
    • If multiple records for the same test form are selected, a batch entry grid will display to enter results (if the test form is configured for batch entry)
    Open In QC
    • Opens the test in QC
    Add Specimen

    See Add Specimen Above

    Preview Report
    • Generates a preview of the test report
    Preview Average Strength
    • Displays the average compressive strength values


    The Done queue shows all tests that have been completed and approved in the lab. The queue will default to the most recent 30 days of tests, but can be broadened or narrowed if needed.

    Open In QC

    See Open In QC Above

    Add Specimen

    See Add Specimen Above

    Create Batch Report
    • Allows for LIMS reports to be created in batch across multiple projects at one time


    A Report Status filter exists to filter tests based on if they have been reported or not. A Reported On grid icon appears at the right side of the grid to see which reports a given test was included on.