Versions Compared


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Form TypeSetting NameDescription
ActivityAllow WBS
  • Short for Work Breakdown Structure
  • Allows the specifications of the WBS levels within the Billing Cost section of DIY forms
  • If "Require WBS" is checked, then at least the first WBS level must be entered before saving the form
Batch Data Entry
  • Configures the grid columns presented when doing batch data entry for multiple (like) forms
  • Data Grid fields are not supported with the batch Data Entry feature. These fields should not be added when configuring this feature on a form.
  • Any expression evaluation will require all fields to be part of the data grid
  • Using / evaluating fields on a "parent" form is not supported
  • Any fields not part of the batch configuration will not be created on the form record

Capture Costs
  • Turns on the ability to capture field costs that are associated with the form record
  • Form specific costs can be added in the form settings after enabling "Capture Costs"
Density Test - Bituminous Nuclear Gauge
  • Automatically creates / applies a number of system fields necessary to do a BNG density test using an Activity form
Density Test - Sand Cone
  • Automatically creates / applies a number of system fields necessary to do a Density Sand Cone test using an Activity form
Density Test - Soil Nuclear Gauge
  • Automatically creates / applies a number of system fields necessary to do a SNG density test using an Activity form
Prevent Edits In Field Complete Or Review Status
  • Once a PM or other authorized user changes the status of the form to Complete or Review, the technician who intially filled out the form. can't make changes to it.
QC Search Results
  • Configures the form-specific columns to display when filtering a QC grid to a specific form
Unit System
  • Assigns a unit of measure (Imperial / Metric) to a form and is used to return the applicable specification values for that unit of measure

Allow WBS
  • Short for Work Breakdown Structure
  • Allows the specifications of the WBS levels within the Billing Cost section of DIY forms
  • If "Require WBS" is checked, then at least the first WBS level must be entered before saving the form
Bypass LIMS Test Assignment
  • Allows the system to bypass the Tests To Assignment workflow step in the LIMS queues
  • Can be set at the Sample Type level for Sample forms with the CGM Sample Specification form setting
Capture Costs
  • Turns on the ability to capture field costs that are associated with the form record
  • Form specific costs can be added in the form settings after enabling "Capture Costs".
CGM Default Test
  • Selected test form defaults in the Test pick list inside the Lab Instructions data grid
  • User can only see / select tests where the material for the test matches the material for the sample form
CGM Sample Specification
  • Requires the user to pick a CGM Sample Type
  • Creates input fields for Location, Supplier, Plant, and Mix Design
  • Creates a specification section containing CGM specification fields based on the sample type
Hide Scheduling Prompt
  • Removes the scheduling prompt that appears after saving a Sample Form
  • If the Form Designer selects "Always Answer 'Yes'", the form will be added to Scheduling
  • If the Form Designer selects "Always Answer 'No'", the form will not be added to Scheduling
One Specimen Sample
  • Forces the sample to only have one specimen associated with it
QC Search Results
  • Configures columns that display in QC grid when you filter the grid in QC to a specific form
Specimen Sizes
  • Allows for control over which specimen sizes can be used with a sample form
  • One or more specimen sizes can be associated with the form
  • All specimen sizes available if this setting is not used
Sample Material
  • Associates a sample form to a material
Turn Off Specimen Retrieval
  • Turns off the question regarding scheduling (in the Scheduling system) a future specimen retrieval
Unit System
  • Assigns a unit of measure (Imperial / Metric) to a form and is used to return the applicable specification values for that unit of measure
TestTest Material
  • Associates the test form to one or many materials
Allow WBS
  • Short for Work Breakdown Structure
  • Allows the specifications of the WBS levels within the Billing Cost section of DIY forms
  • If "Require WBS" is checked, then at least the first WBS level must be entered before saving the form
  • There is an optional checkbox to Default WBS from Sample. If this is checked, then the test form will populate with the associated sample's WBS values. Even if this is checked, the user still has the option to edit the values in the test form
Batch Data Entry
  • Configures the grid columns presented when doing batch data entry for multiple (like) forms
  • Data Grid fields are not supported with the batch Data Entry feature. These fields should not be added when configuring this feature on a form.
  • Any expression evaluation will require all fields to be part of the data grid
  • Using / evaluating fields on a "parent" form is not supported
  • Any fields not part of the batch configuration will not be created on the form record

Billing Code
  • Default billing code for the test
Billing Quantity
  • Default billing quantity for the test
Capture Costs
  • Turns on the ability to capture lab costs that are associated with the test form record
  • Form specific costs can be added in the form settings after enabling "Capture Costs".
  • Default (billed) test cost for executing the test
LIMS - Post-Test Search Results
  • Dictates the columns presented in the Testable and To Test queues in LIMS
LIMS - Pre-Test Search Results
  • Dictates the columns presented in the To Review and Done queues in LIMS
Material Specification
  • Associates the test form to one or many material specifications
Remove Specification Limit Operators From Reports
  • Removes the specification range limit operators when displayed on a report (i.e. 65 - 90 will display instead of >=65 - <90)
  • Default standard the test adheres to (i.e. ASTM standard number)
Test Default Specimen Size
  • Default specimen size for the test that will be assigned in the test assignment process
Test Duration
  • Default duration (days) it takes to execute the test
Test List


Batch Data Entry
  • Configures the grid columns presented when doing batch data entry for multiple (like) forms
  • Data Grid fields are not supported with the batch Data Entry feature. These fields should not be added when configuring this feature on a form.
  • Any expression evaluation will require all fields to be part of the data grid
  • Using / evaluating fields on a "parent" form is not supported
  • Any fields not part of the batch configuration will not be created on the form record

QC Search Results

Batch Data Entry

  • Configures the grid columns presented when doing batch data entry for multiple (like) forms
  • Data Grid fields are not supported with the batch Data Entry feature. These fields should not be added when configuring this feature on a form.
  • Any expression evaluation will require all fields to be part of the data grid
  • Using / evaluating fields on a "parent" form is not supported
  • Any fields not part of the batch configuration will not be created on the form record

QC Search Results


  • When displayed in Field, in Quality Control or on a report, this is what your field will be called
  • Required field
Image Modified
  • Select the Field Type from the drop-down list
  • Once your field is saved, the Field Type cannot be changed
  • Required field
System Name
  • Cannot be repeated on the Form
  • Can be repeated on different Forms
  • Used by the system to identify the field for use in searching and returning results (see Search / Results Display)
  • Only letters and numbers are accepted
  • Spaces are not allowed
  • System Name will be suggested real-time as you enter your Label name (suggestion can be changed if needed)
Is Required
  • Makes the field required when entering data on the form
Use As Placeholder
  • Fields where this is turned on can be used as placeholder values when defining default Report Description values or other areas form-based dynamic placeholders are used
  • Depending on the Field Type different settings options will appear.
  • For more information on working with Field settings, see Form Designer - Field Settings.


    If the field you are working with is a Multiple Choice or Pick List Field Type and you have added two or more options, a Reorder Options button will appear.

    This button will allow you to configure the order in which your options will appear. By default, options are presented to Field and Quality Control users in alphabetical order.

