Reports - Global Settings

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The Global Settings tab controls some report settings that apply to all reports.

Default From Email Address
  • Sets the global default From Email address which is used when generating a report
  • This value can be changed/is editable at the time of report generation

This can also be configured on the project level in the Distribution tab in the Project Administration / Specifications module

Number Reports
  • Controls if Report Numbers are assigned and displayed on reports
  • No = Report Numbers are not assigned and will not be shown on reports
  • Yes = Report Numbers are assigned to all reports (except Consolidated, Uploaded and Imported reports)
  • The number that will display on the report will be a combination of the Report Code and a six digit number (e.g., CC-000001)
  • If report number is turned on, then turned off, and later turned back on, since the system does not assign report number when this is turned off, the next number in sequence will be generated once turned on again.

Report Numbers Assigned Sequentially by Project and Report Type

  • When report numbering is turned on, MetaField will assign unique numbers to reports based on Project and Report Type. 

    For example, you could have Special Inspection SI-000001, Soil Nuclear Gauge SNG-000001 and Cast Cylinder CC-000001 reports for Project A, and Special Inspection SI-000001, Soil Nuclear Gauge SNG-000001 and Cast Cylinder CC-000001 reports for Project B.

  • Report numbers assigned will be a combination of Report Code and a 6 digit number
  • The first time a report is created for a project, you will have the option of assigning a starting report number. If a starting number is not entered, the first report will be 000001
Field Default Email Subject
  • Defines the global report email subject text for reports sent from the Field module
  • Placeholder values can be used to return dynamic values from the underlying data
  • Email subjects defined in Project Specifications will take priority over global email subject definitions
Non-Field Default Email Subject
  • Defines the global report email subject text for reports sent from a non-Field module
  • Placeholder values can be used to return dynamic values from the underlying data
  • Email subjects defined in Project Specifications will take priority over global email subject definitions
Field Report Email Message
  • Defines the default message for reports that are generated from the field module.
Non-Field Report Email Message
  • Text entered here will display in every email message sent from Delivery
  • Delivery users may override this text as needed at the time they are sending Reports by email
Email From Field Module
  • Defines if reports are sent as a traceable hyperlink or as a physical file attachment when emailing a report from the Field module
Email From Non-Field Module
  • Defines if reports are sent as a traceable hyperlink or as a physical file attachment when emailing a report from a non-Field module