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Whether you just received your production environment of MetaField or, are new to the system, you may wonder where and how to begin. Before you begin logging any data or configurations, you'll want to perform a few beginning tasks.

At the bottom of this page, there is a video that will also walk you through the steps below.


1. Creating a Test Client

A key entity in the system, is a Client in the system. In order for a project to exist (Step 2), you must create a Client that can be linked to a Project. In this exercise, it is perfectly safe to create a test or dummy client, such as "Test Client" or "Practice Exercise Client". It's entirely up to you on what you'd like to name your test client.
  1. Project Administration > Project Setup > Clients and Contacts.
  2. Select the "New Client" button.
  3. Enter a value for all of the required fields, indicated by the red asterisk. All other fields can be left blank. Select Save when complete.

2. Creating a Test Project

MetaField ties nearly all of it's logged data to projects. Projects primarily serve as the root of uniqueness for data within the system. Once you have at least one project in the system, you can begin testing. Similar to Step 1 above, create a test or dummy project in your system. Again, feel free to name this project however you'd like. Something like "Test Project" or "Training Project" works well.

The purpose of creating a test project, is that it allows you and other staff to log data and test the system, without worrying about a mess or, getting anything confused / crossed over with your real projects. Your test project serves as a "Sandbox" for training and testing, and will aid you in configuring your system.

  1. Project Administration > Project Setup > Projects
  2. Select the "New Project" button.
  3. Enter a value for all of the required fields, indicated by the red asterisk. All other fields can be left blank.
  4. NOTE - The Client and Owner fields are "type ahead search" fields. Hit your space bar or, type a letter from the Client record that you entered in Step 1. The system will locate the record that you added previously. Select this record for the Client and the Owner and Save.

3. Begin Training or Configuring

Now that you have a test project, your likely goal is to begin configuring the system or, simply running through some training exercises. If you are configuring you your system, your best approach is to open another tab or window, with your browser. Both windows or tabs, should be logged into MetaField.

The reason you want to do this, is it allows you to have the perspective of an Administrator, and a Field Staff. As an Administrator, your goal is to make sure the system is ready for the field staff. The best way to do this, is to pretend you are a member of the field staff, and log data against your test project from Step 2. While doing this, using your other browser or window, you will have quick access to the Administration module.

The Administration module will control the majority of your pick lists, equipment, and other options in the Field module. If you come across a field where you sense that something is missing, this is a flag for you to configure something in Administration. By taking this approach, you are creating a workflow for yourself, which allows you test the system as a user, and configure the system as an Admin at the same time.

  1. Open your default browser, and either have two tabs open on the main homescreen of MetaField or, two browser windows.
  2. On one tab or window, select the Admin module.
  3. On the other tab or window, select the Scheduling (Step 4 & 5 below). NOTE that you can skip scheduling and go straight to Field if you prefer (Skip to step 6 below)

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4. Assigning Yourself a Work OrderWith multiple tabs or windows open to MetaField, you are ready to
  1. begin
your testing and
  1. configuring
. In most cases, the life cycle begins with a work order. To begin, use one tab or window, and open up Scheduling.If you prefer, reference the Scheduling Practice here for this exercise. Note that this exercise refers to our shared sandbox ( You do not need this. Stick to your production environment, using your test
  1. the system by exploring / logging data in Field, Scheduling, and QC, using the project that you created
  1. .

In your other window or tab, consider navigating to Admin so, you are ready for adjustments.

Tab 1

  1. Home > Scheduling >

Tab 2

  1. Home > Administration

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5. Assigning Yourself A Work Order (Continued)

In your one tab / window, that is accessing Scheduling, select the Add Work Order button and search for your project from Step 2 and Select it.

One this screen, you may add a work order for yourself for this project. There are a few things that you can audit for adjustments in your Admin screen. Those are:

The hyperlinks above, send you to our Help section to better understand how to configure these areas. These areas in Admin, control the highlighted fields in the screenshot to the right.

The main take away here, is to note if you any values missing. If you do, go to Admin, and configure them Example:

Audit the Work Items list while adding a work order for yourself in Scheduling. There should already be "out of box" items there but, you can certainly add to this by going to Admin > Work Items / Field Costs, and clicking the Add Work Item button.

Tab 1

  1. Home > Scheduling > Add Work Order > Submit

Tab 2

  1. Home > Administration >
    1. Work Items / Field Costs > Work Items
    2. General > Certifications
    3. Security > Users > Column in grid "Is Field Tech"
    4. General > Offices

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Video Tutorial

Project Setup Practice Tutorial.mp4