Customer Configuration - AgilePort 3.0

AgilePort Initial Configuration

Welcome! We are excited to begin development on your AgilePort site. AgilePort can serve as your document management solution for not only your MetaField reports, but all other reports your company generates. Your AgilePort solution can differentiate your organization from your competitors, and we want to be sure that you take advantage of this marketing opportunity by properly branding your site. 

You will have control over several items in AgilePort, which are outlined in the sections listed below. Prior to releasing your AgilePort site, we need a few key pieces of information:

  • Your AgilePort Site Name 

    AgilePort Site Name

    Your AgilePort site name is what you want your site to be called. This name will be incorporated into the URL, email sender for site notifications and as well as your welcome text when logging on

  • Color Scheme for your site 

    Hexadecimal Values

    If you have preferred hexadecimal values that you would like to use, please provide these.

  • Your company logo or custom AgilePort logo

    Accept Logo File Types

    Only the following file types may be uploaded: bmp, gif, jpeg, jpg, png

All of these items, except the site name, can be later adjusted by your MetaField Administrator.

Post-Training Configuration

You will receive a custom training session on how to administer and work with your AgilePort site. After this training, you will want to review the following admin screens to confirm that the configuration meets your business needs.

AgilePort Users

Determine which external client contacts will need access to AgilePort.

You can manually add users to give them AgilePort access or you can add them as a part of setting up your project level report distribution.

Administering Users and Subscriptions

Settings - General Settings

Define your AgilePort Site Message that appears on the top of the page when clients log into your site.

Review your Logo that brand your AgilePort site.

Upload your custom branded Help documentation (optional).

Determine if you would like your report status to change to "Delivered" when you make reports public to AgilePort.

Review the colors of various elements within your AgilePort site.

Configuring Your Client Portal

Settings - Introductory Email Notifications

Define the subject and text of the email that a user gets when they are first added to AgilePort (Welcome Email).

Define the subject and text of the email that a user gets when they are added to a new project (New Project Email).

Configuring Your Client Portal

Settings - New Report Notifications

Determine if you want individual users to be able to setup their alerts (User Defined) or if you want to control globally how alerts are sent (Global).

If Applicable, determine if global alerts should be sent immediately, daily, and/or weekly.

Define the subject and text for the notification emails.

Configuring Your Client Portal