Concrete / Grout / Mortar Work Queues


The LIMS work queues are used to manage the progression of concrete / grout / mortar specimens through a general lab workflow through the use of various queues.

Work Queues

Work QueueDescription
To Receive
  • Specimens are logged and checked-in via the Field component, but have not yet been “Received” by the lab
Receive Specimens
  • Receives the marked specimens in to the lab workflow
Print Label
  • Prints a specimen label for marked specimens
  • Labs configured with a label printer (in Admin) will ask the user if they want to print a label when Receiving specimens
Print Receiving List
  • Prints a list of specimens in the To Receive queue
Change Lab
  • Changes the lab a specimen is associated with / checked into
Add Specimen
  • Adds a missing specimen to a selected set
View Field Data
  • Opens QC to view additional metadata (i.e. field test results) for a specimen
  • Sample/Specimen data can be updated with the appropriate permission level
  • "i" icon in the grid on the far right
  • Specimens have been received by the lab, but have not yet reached their Test Age.
Modify Test Date
  • Changes the test date (and test age) for marked specimens
Print Early Break List
Print Early Density List 
  • Prints a break list / density list for a user-supplied test date
  • Gives user the option to print for current sample type or all sample types
  • Sorts report to match sort order applied to the grid
Print Label
  • Prints a specimen label for marked specimens
Change Lab
  • Changes the lab a specimen is associated with / checked into
Add Specimen
  • Adds a missing specimen to a selected set
View Field Data
  • Opens QC to view additional metadata (i.e. field test results) for a specimen
  • Sample/Specimen data can be updated with the appropriate permission level
  • "i" icon in the grid on the far right
To Test
  • Specimens have been received by the lab and have reached their Test Age
Modify Test Date
  • Changes the test date (and test age) for marked specimens
Print Label
  • Prints a specimen label for marked specimens
Print Break List
Print Density List 
  • Prints a break list / density list for a user-supplied test date
  • Gives user the option to print for current sample type or all sample types
  • Sorts report to match sort order applied to the grid
Enter Test Results
  • Opens data entry grid to enter test results

For Cast Cylinders, the Pencil icon to the left of the Sample Number column can be used to open a pop up to enter results for that ONE specimen.
This is useful when entering lab results directly at compression machines.

View Break Remarks
View Lab Remarks 
  • Displays a legend of break remarks / lab remarks that can be assigned to tested specimens
Change Lab
  • Changes the lab a specimen is associated with / checked into
View Fracture Types
  • Displays a legend of fracture types that can be assigned to tested specimens
Add Specimen
  • Adds a missing specimen to a selected set
View Field Data
  • Opens QC to view additional metadata (i.e. field test results) for a specimen
  • Sample/Specimen data can be updated with the appropriate permission level
  • "i" icon in the grid on the far right

To Review
  • After lab results are entered and saved in the To Test Queue, the specimen will automatically move here for lab manager review /auditing
Edit Results
  • Allows for lab results / data input to be modified
  • Designates tested specimen results as "Approved" and ready for project manager review in QC
  • Status changed to Analyzed in the QC module and moved to the Done queue in Lab
  • Only users with appropriate permissions can approve LIMS results
  • User will be asked if they want to generate a batch report (can be generated across multiple projects)
Add Specimen
  • Adds a missing specimen to a selected set
Revert Test Results
  • Removes any lab data and puts the specimen back in the Testable or To Test queue
View Field Data
  • Opens QC to view additional metadata (i.e. field test results) for a specimen
  • Sample/Specimen data can be updated with the appropriate permission level
  • "i" icon in the grid on the far right
  • Specimen record will automatically move here after it is approved in the To Review queue
  • Reported Status filter exists to filter your results on the Reported Status of test (specimen) record - All, Draft, Reported, Not Reported
Add TestAllows for further tests to be added to a specimen already in the done queue.
Edit Results
  • Allows for lab results / data input to be modified
Add Specimen
  • Adds a missing specimen to a selected set
Revert Test Results
  • Removes any lab data and puts the specimen back in the Testable or To Test queue
Create Batch Report
  • Allows for LIMS reports to be created in batch across multiple projects at one time
View Field Data
  • Opens QC to view additional metadata (i.e. field test results) for a specimen
  • Sample/Specimen data can be updated with the appropriate permission level
  • "i" icon in the grid on the far right

Retained Specimens

Stores any specimen records that have been Retained during the Test Assignment process.

Specimens in the Retained Specimens queue can either be assigned to new tests or discared

When assigning to new tests, the Specimen can be "Split", where new tests can be assigned to the same sample while the original sample is left in the Retained Specimen queu

Assign TestsAllows for new tests to be assigned to the same specimen.  
Discard SpecimensDiscarding a specimen will mark it as completed and remove it from the Retained Specimen queue.  The specimen will no longer be visible in the LIMS module.

Lab Filters

Filters exist above the various work queues to help you narrow the results of the queue you are working on.

Users have the option to save commonly-used filters along with collapsing the filter pane to expose more space for the queue grid.