Project Manager / Delivery Practice

Table of Contents
  • Project managers and administrative assistants will rely on data entered by field technicians, so the Field Practice exercises must be completed prior to the reporting exercises below. You may have your field technicians complete these exercises first, or you may complete the exercises yourself. We do recommend that engineers, project managers, and administrative staff perform the field exercises so they fully understand the field data entry process.

  • Use the same one or two projects for all exercises.
  • Exercises should be completed in the order listed on this page.
  • When creating reports, the Digital Signature option will not work unless you have already been set up with an AgileStamp® account.

While working on these exercises, utilize the Help feature in MetaField (located in the upper right corner) to answer any questions.

Dashboard Monitoring and Filtering

1.From Home, navigate to Dashboard.

The Dashboard is filtered by Project Manager, Office, and Project #. The default filter is for the person currently logged into MetaField; you will need to change the filter to the project manager associated with the projects used for the field exercises.

Note: The Dashboard will allow you to save a filter. Click on the Save Filter button. Give your filter a name. Select Save.

3.On the navigation panel (left side of the screen) – select Density Testing > Soil Nuclear Gauge Tests
4.Note the numbers next to each notification type corresponds to the counts of projects having each type of characteristics.
    1. Select Analyzed.
5.Select a Project Number link to open this project in the Quality Control module of MetaField.
    1. Notice that the Quality Control screen you see will already have been filtered for that project, test type, and notification type (e.g. Analyzed and/or Density Exceptions Only).
    1. Select the Dashboard button in the left hand navigation of the Quality Control screen to return to the Dashboard.
6.Select a few other notification types on the navigation panel to review those filtered tests within Quality Control. Note that the Dashboard Notification metrics are designed to allow for "management by exception". All notification types that present an issue/exception are listed first.

Quality Control & Report Creation: Field Density

1.From Home, navigate to Quality Control > Density Testing. If necessary, use the Change Project button to change to the project used in the Field module.
2.Select the Soil Nuclear Gauge tab.

Remove all filters from the filter panel and select the Search button control. You should see soil density tests from earlier exercises. If not, use the  icon in the top portion of the screen next to the project name to find a project with tests appearing in the grid below.

    1. Try sorting the grid by various column headers. Scroll to the right and left to observe the various columns. Click on column headers to change the way the grid is sorted.
    2. Try viewing the Reported On Details and the History of a test using the icon-buttons at the far right.

In the filter pane, check Analyzed for Analysis Status, and select Search.

    1. You will now see only those soil density tests from earlier exercises that have a status of Analyzed.
    2. You filtered for Analyzed because these are typically the tests that you will be editing and/or approving.
5.You are now at the place in MetaField where you can review, edit, and approve tests:
    1. Select the Edit icon in a row to open that test in edit mode.
    2. Modify the Location and Location Detail fields.
    3. Minimize and Maximize sections on the page by clicking on the section headers.
    4. Optional: Modify data in other fields, but be careful not to render the test unusable (for example, by deleting required fields or deselecting a proctor).
    5. Scroll down and select the Save button.
6.Select that test using the Checkbox in the left column of the grid.
7.Click the Change Status button to change the status of that test to "Complete" and click Change.
8.Select Finalize in the popup that appears, and select Yes to have Optimum Moisture on the report.
9.Enter a Report Note and select a Report Label.
10.If the Digitally Sign Report option is available, and if you have an AgileStamp account, sign the report using your AgileStamp credentials. Otherwise, uncheck the Digitally Sign Report checkbox.
11.Select the Finalize Report button to save the report and click OK in the next pop up.
12.Select the Delivery button in the left hand navigation and find your new report in Delivery. You may see many reports in the report grid for this project.
13.Select the Created column header to sort by created date. You are able to click back and forth between ascending and descending order.
14.Select the image icon on the left to view the report.
15.Try printing or saving the report using the buttons on the PDF viewer. You can email the report by saving it and then attaching it to an email you create.
16.Close the preview window.

Select the report you created, select Email. The recipients that were added to this report type in Project Administration will appear.

Optional: Add another recipient. Select the Add Recipient button. Fill in the required fields. Select Add.


Optional: Navigate back to Quality Control > Density Testing. Create reports for different types of density tests like One-Point tests and Drive Cylinder tests.

  1. Select Finalize and Email for a test record. Mark the "Send Reports To Me" checkbox true, click on the list icon underneath "Recipients" to view people added from a distribution. Add a recipient. Notice you only need to enter a valid email, click Save. Select Cancel to close the pop up window without email the report.

Quality Control & Report Creation: Concrete

1.From Home, navigate to Quality Control > Concrete / Grout / Mortar. If necessary, use the Change Project button to change to the project used in the Field module.

Select the Concrete tab.

3.Remove all filters from the filter panel and select the Filter button control. You should see concrete samples from earlier exercises. If not, use the Change Project button control to find a project with test data.

In the filter pane, check Analyzed for Analysis Status, and select Filter.

    1. You will now see only those samples from earlier exercises that have specimens with a status of Analyzed (i.e., they have been tested and the results approved in the lab).
    2. You filtered for Analyzed because these are typically the specimens that you will be editing and/or approving.
5. Highlight a sample to display that sample's specimens in the lower grid.
    1. Try sorting the lower grid by various column headers.
    2. Observe the various columns in the grid.
6. You are now at the place in MetaField where you can review, edit, and approve specimens:
    1. Inspect your specimen's test data.
    2. If you accept the results of that test, set its status to Complete.
    3. Optional: View and edit various specimen-related data by clicking the Edit, Edit Pick-Up, and Edit Check-In buttons.
7.Highlight the sample, and select the Edit icon for a particular specimen in the second grid. Enter report comments and close the dialog box.
8.Click the check box on the far left column to select all specimen that have had break results entered. Use the Change Status button to indicate the status of the specimens are Complete.
9.Select the completed specimen(s) again and click Finalize Specimen Report.
10.In the dialog box, select a Report Label and Office.
11.If you have an AgileStamp account, sign the report using your AgileStamp credentials, otherwise, uncheck the Digitally Sign Report checkbox.
12.Select the Finalize button to save the report.
13.Select the Open in Delivery button and find your new report in the Delivery module. You may see many reports in the report grid for this project.
14.Select the View PDF icon on the left to view the report.
15.Try printing or saving the report using the buttons on the PDF viewer. You can email the report by saving it and then attaching it to an email you create.

Select the report you created, select Email. The recipients that were added to this report type in Project Administration will appear.

Optional: Add another recipient. Select the Add Recipient button. Fill in the required fields. Select Add.

17.Close the preview window.