
Table of Contents


The Accreditation module is an add-on module within MetaField. It is used to create, store and manage all lab accreditation documentation and records. You will not see this module if it is not part of your subscription plan. If you do not have access to the Accreditation module and have interest in it, please engage in a discussion with your account manager at Agile Frameworks.

Home Page

The Accreditation home page is the central portal to all accreditation-related modules. It is divided into two primary sections. The Project Links section contains all project (lab)-specific modules. The General Links section contains modules that are more global to the organization and not lab-specific.

Home Page Buttons

SectionButton / ControlDescriptionRelated Link
Project Links

Project (Lab) Pick List
  • Defines the project (lab) the underlying buttons will navigate to when used

Lab QMS Documents
  • Opens the Documents module within Project Specifications for the selected project
Project Specs - Documents
New Evaluation
  • Initiates the addition of a new Evaluation form record for the selected project
  • User can select the mobile (Field) or desktop (QC) interface to add a new form record

Field - Activity / Safety / Evaluation

QC - Activity / Safety / Evaluation

Review Evaluations
  • Opens the Evaluation QC module for the selected project
QC - Activity / Safety / Evaluation
  • Opens the Delivery module for the selected project
  • Opens the Distribution module within Project Specifications for the selected project
  • Allows users to define who receives copies of Evaluation reports when emailed or published
Project Specs - Distribution
Global Links

Global Documents
  • Opens the Global Documents module within Administration
General - Global Documents
  • Opens the Evaluation Data Extract module within Utilities
Utilities - Data Extracts
  • Opens the Evaluation section within Dashboard
  • Opens the Certifications module within Administration

General - Certifications

Equipment - General Equipment
  • Opens the Equipment module within Administration
LIMS - Equipment
Equipment - Nuclear Gauges
  • Opens the Nuclear Gauges (equipment) module within Administration
Soil Nuclear Gauge
Equipment - Sand Cones
  • Opens the Sand Cones (equipment) module within Administration
Sand Cone
Equipment - Drive Cylinder
  • Opens the Drive Cylinder (equipment) module within Administration
Drive Cylinder

Security / Access Control

User access to each button within the Accreditation home screen can be controlled using the standard role permissions in the Roles module contained within the Security section of Administration.


Users given access to the buttons on the Accreditation home screen must also have access to the underlying pages that these buttons will navigate the user to. Giving a user permission to the buttons on the Accreditation Dashboard will not automatically grant them permission/access to the underlying linked pages within MetaField.