

The Delivery module is the repository of created reports in MetaField. It stores both MetaField-generated reports and other project-related reports that are optionally uploaded into Delivery. There are a variety of actions that can be performed on reports in the Delivery module.

It is important to understand that the Delivery module stores reports that have been generated in other areas of MetaField or in non-MetaField applications. They are static (point-in-time) reports. Changing the underlying DATA on a test or sample will not impact reports in Delivery at all. A new report will need to be created from the source module / application and finalized or uploaded into the Delivery module.

Project Selection

Recent projects are displayed when on the Delivery home page. Projects can be searched for using the on-screen filters. One-or-more projects may be selected to review. Any inactive projects are highlighted in blue. 

Filter Controls

The Highlight Public Reports control shades all report records (rows) blue if the report has been made public in AgilePort.

Delivery Notes

If one or more of the projects you opened in Delivery has Delivery Notes entered in Project Specifications, these notes will display just below the filter panel. You can open and expand this section to view these notes.

Button and Grid Function Overview


Create Consolidated Report



  • Digitally signs the selected reports
  • Multiple reports can be signed at once / in batch
  • When signing multiple reports, if at least one of the report types selected does not allow a digital signature, you will get a message that one or more reports were not signed, but the others were 
  • The Signed By column will indicate which reports were signed

Change Public Status

  • Sets report to be public or not public
  • Only applies to AgilePort customers


Batch Download

  • Downloads the selected reports (PDF files) to your computer

Batch Print

  • Prints the selected reports (PDF files)
  • A consolidated PDF file will be created that you can print
  • Option to mark all printed reports as Delivered status

Edit Description

  • Edits the Description field on a report record

Allowed Characters in Description

  • Letters
  • Numbers
  • Underscore ( _ )
  • Hyphen ( - )
  • Space 

Edit Report Label

  • Edits the label(s) associated with a report
  • Reports can have zero to many labels associated with them

Change Upload Type

  • Changes the report type assigned to the "uploaded" report

Change Consolidation Type

  • Changes the report type assigned to the "consolidated" report

Mark as Delivered

  • Sets the report to Delivered status
  • Indicates that you have "delivered" the report to your customer
  • Emailed reports automatically set to Delivered status
  • Reports made public in AgilePort optionally set to Delivered status based on your configuration in Administation


  • "R" column in the Delivery grid
  • Flag to indicate the report is a revision


  • "X" icon in the Delivery grid
  • Allows you to delete a report in Delivery
  • A report in the status of “Delivered” cannot be deleted
  • Deleting a report does not delete the source test, sample, etc. in the Quality Control module - the report is separate from the source data

Delivery Status Assignment

The following table outlines how various Delivery statuses are automatically assigned.

ButtonOriginating Report Delivery StatusReport Delivery Status Updated To


Complete or FinalDelivered

Change Public Status
AgilePort Only

Complete or FinalDelivered or No Change based on the configuration in Admin

AgileStamp Users Only


Delivered (unsigned)


When Sign is selected for an unsigned Delivered report, the original unsigned report will remain and a signature will be applied to a copy of the report. Both reports remain in Delivered status.

Both signed and unsigned reports can have a status of Delivered. You can tell if a Delivered report has been signed by viewing the Signed By column.

What Reports Can Be Signed in Delivery

Report Delivery Status
Previously Digitally Signed
Can Sign?
Signing Process Notes
CompleteNoNoYesReport can be signed for the first time since it has not been signed.
FinalYesNoNoSigning is not allowed since re-signing a report in Delivery is not allowed.
DeliveredYesYesNoSigning is not allowed since re-signing a report in Delivery is not allowed.

User will be asked if they want to copy the delivered report to sign a new copy. If they select "Yes" then the unsigned & delivered report will be copied and the new copy of the report will be signed. The user can't directly sign the delivered report that was not originally signed.

Email History

If a report is emailed directly from MetaField, an envelope icon will appear in the report grid. When you select this envelope icon a popup will be exposed showing you a log of each time the report was emailed. If your MetaField instance is configured to send email links, you will also see when your report recipient first opened your report to view as well as a link to the report if the link is still valid. In addition to seeing who a report was sent to, you can also see a read-only copy of the email Subject and Body of the message (second screen shot below).

Read-Only Permission 

It is possible to grant a group of users read-only permission to the Delivery module. This allows them to view reports, but does NOT allow them to process them using many of the button functions noted above. Batch printing and batch downloading of reports is available.