Density Testing - Remarks

Table of Contents


Remarks are used to provide field technicians and project managers a defined list of comments (remarks) that can be assigned to a particular test based on the results of the test. Codes will default on test records based on the business rules applied to them. Public remark codes appear on density test reports with a footnote disclosing the description of each code.

Test Type
  • Indicates the type of density test the remark applies to
  • Code used to represent a particular remark
  • Up to 5 characters allowed
  • Must be unique
  • Used internally only
  • Description of the Code
  • Used internally only
Public Code
  • The code that will display on a report
  • Up to 5 characters allowed
  • Does NOT need to be unique
Public Description
  • Description of the Public Code
  • The description that will display on a report
Density Rule
  • Test results (Density Pass, Density Fail, No Pass/Fail or other) that map to the remark code
  • Combination of Density and Moisture rules must be unique within a sample type for business rules containing Density Pass or Moisture Pass
  • No Pass/Fail or Other business rule can be used for additional codes and do not need to be unique
Moisture Rule
  • Test results (Moisture Pass, Density Fail, No Pass/Fail or Other) that map to the remark code
  • Combination of Density and Moisture rules must be unique within a sample type for business containing Density Pass or Moisture Pass
  • No Pass/Fail or Other business rule can be used for additional codes and do not need to be unique


When defining and mapping out remark codes, consider all combinations of density and moisture test results.


Each test type would require its own set of codes...

CodeDescriptionDensity Result Business RuleMoisture Result Business RuleNotes
ADescription for code APassPassAssigned if both the density and moisture had a displayed Pass result
BDescription for code BPassFailAssigned if density has a displayed Pass result and moisture has a displayed Fail result
CDescription for code CFailPassAssigned if density has a displayed Fail result and moisture has a displayed Pass result
DDescription for code DFailFailAssigned if both the density and moisture had a displayed Fail result
EDescription for Code EPassNo Pass/Fail or OtherAssigned if density has a displayed Pass result and there is no displayed moisture result (i.e. No Moisture Specifications test)
FDescription for Code FFailNo Pass/Fail or OtherAssigned if density has a displayed Fail result and there is no displayed moisture result (i.e. No Moisture Specifications test)
GDescription for Code GNo Pass/Fail or OtherNo Pass/Fail or OtherAnother remark code that is simply available for selection - it will never default for a particular test
HDescription for Code HNo Pass/Fail or OtherNo Pass/Fail or OtherAnother remark code that is simply available for selection - it will never default for a particular test
IDescription for Code INo Pass/Fail or OtherNo Pass/Fail or OtherAnother remark code that is simply available for selection - it will never default for a particular test