MetaField Software Process

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The above diagram explains the MetaField® Software Process and how data flows through the system. The concept of the MetaField software is to provide a comprehensive enterprise process to take data from where it is created, through appropriate review processes and lab processes, and into the hands of the client as quickly as possible. While the above diagram looks at the overall process, each piece is explained separately below.


Depending on your organization, you may have an enterprise level project accounting system (examples include Deltek Vision, Deltek Ajera, Microsoft Dynamics AX, Microsoft Dynamics SL, etc). If you have this type of system and you have chosen to purchase an optional custom adapter, your projects will initially be created in your project accounting system and select project information will flow automatically into MetaField.

If you do not have a project accounting system or have opted not to purchase a custom adapter, your projects will be set up in the Project Administration module of MetaField. Customers with the hybrid option for MetaField may have both a custom adapter and access to setup projects in the Project Administration module. In this case, it is important to have a business process in place to determine where and how projects are created.

All MetaField data entry is based around projects, so basic project data is needed for all steps within the MetaField process.




At the top of the stack, the grey bars represent areas of MetaField that impact the entire software process. The top two bars represent the Administration and the Project Administration modules of MetaField. Administration is where global settings and configurations are done that impact all of the various modules and processes within MetaField. A subset of these options are also configurable at a project level in the Project Administration module. Although these two boxes are a small part of the diagram, they represent the backbone of the MetaField process.

Note that only a small number of users should be given access to all of Administration and that granular security allows you to control who can do what.


The Scheduling & Dispatch module is an optional starting point for all work done within MetaField. If you choose to utilize this module, your schedulers can create work orders and assign technicians to work on a project. Schedulers will be reminded automatically when there is work to be scheduled based on MetaField tasks (for example, if a sample needs to be picked up in the field or a retest of a density test should be performed). Various views allow scheduling by office, project and other filters. There is also a dashboard built into Scheduling & Dispatch to allow schedulers to see a comprehensive view of what they need to do.

Field users will see their assigned work orders and can accept the work. Accepting the work orders makes it easy for the users to be automatically routed to the correct place in MetaField to perform the work. They can also mark work orders as completed which notifies the schedulers.

The Field module of MetaField is the module that is optimized for mobile devices such as smart phones and tablets. It can also be used on a PC but it is designed to make mobile input as easy as possible. The majority of data in MetaField is entered in the Field module, right where the data is created. This allows for the most efficient process and eliminates the need to retype data.

Field users can perform many different field tests, enter samples, perform observations and inspections and a variety of other field tasks. Many of these items can be customized to your business process. They can also view information about a project such as the address, contact people, and project specification documents.

Many places in the Field module are designed to highlight things that a field user needs to know right away - such as open discrepancies and pending retests. In addition, there are some field reports available to prepare, digitally sign and even email reports from the field.

The Dashboard is a view into the data that is stored in Quality Control and it is designed to allow project managers to quickly view the important things they need to find each day. The concept of Management by Exception is that items that need immediate attention (such as failing tests, discrepancies, etc.) are highlighted to allow busy managers to get to the most important items right away.

Clicking on items in the dashboard will take the user directly to Quality Control with views pre-filtered based on that particular Dashboard count. Users can easily switch back and forth between Dashboard and Quality Control to manage their work.

Once data is created in the Field or work is completed in the Lab, the data is visible in Quality Control (often called QC). This module has extensive filtering and searching capability to find whatever data you need. Project Managers can review and where appropriate edit data, and in some cases data can be entered here as well. Project Managers can also create reports from the data and optionally route these reports through a review process or email reports to a distribution list. Digital signatures are also integrated (with use of the AgileStamp® product) if a report needs to be signed at the time of creation.

Project Managers can also use QC to review and approve field reports generated in the field module.

Once a report is finalized from QC, it flows into the Delivery module of MetaField. This area serves as an internal document repository of all reports created on the project. With extensive search capabilities, users can search for reports, print, download or email them. Reports can also be digitally signed (with use of the AgileStamp® product) singly or in batch.

Users may also choose to upload documents created outside of MetaField to add to the project record and may create consolidated reports that combine multiple reports.

Reports can also be made public in the AgilePort® product from Delivery.



The MetaField LIMS module allows for managing samples/specimens with a chain of custody process that starts in the field with the sample creation and tracks the sample throughout its lifecycle. In addition to managing samples, users can schedule and perform tests and report test results.

The LIMS module is integrated with the rest of MetaField throughout the process including QC and Dashboard to alert Project Managers of issues as soon as a test is complete. It also contains its own quality review process to make sure data is entered correctly.







AgilePort® is our client portal product that allows you to set up a way for your clients to securely view documents. It is seamlessly integrated with MetaField Delivery and making reports visible to clients with the proper access is done in a few clicks.

To learn more about AgilePort, please view AgilePort Help.



AgileStamp® is our digital signature solution integrated into Field, QC, LIMS and Delivery. Using AgileStamp, reports can be signed within MetaField without a need to print, sign and rescan. We support both traditional signatures as well as graphics such as engineering seals. AgileStamp can also be used outside of MetaField to sign virtually any type of document.

 To learn more about AgileStamp, please view AgileStamp Help.









To complete the lifecycle of data, MetaField provides the ability to extract data into comma separated value (csv) files. This standard format allows you to open the extract in spreadsheet programs like Microsoft Excel or to import the data back into your Project Accounting System for billing purposes.


Right in the middle of the diagram, the yellow bar represents the MetaField Safety Program. In MetaField, safety is built in so it can easily be a part of all your work just as it is a part of your culture. You'll see safety throughout MetaField so that firms can log data and gather safety information.