2.6 - Release Notes

Release Highlights

  • Grout / mortar capabilities added (ASTM-C780, ASTM-C1019)
  • Inspection and Observation reports updated to report information more clearly and make better use of room on the report.
  • Actions (tasks) added to Inspections & Observation records. Project managers can create tasks / reminders / notes related to an inspection or observation that was performed. Files can be uploaded (i.e. approvals, plans, etc.) and stored with the inspection / observation record as supplemental information.
  • Granular permission management introduced. Administrators have more control over what sections of the application users have access to.
  • More descriptive files names available when publishing reports to AgilePort and saved to disk.
  • Delivery queues added to Dashboard to provide oversight on Complete and Final reports in Delivery.
  • Activity Log reports can be generated by field technicians in the field.
  • Report preview capabilities introduced in the Field Reports module.
  • Support for equipment calibration added - nuclear gauge radioactive decay (ASTM D6939) and sand cone "method" B.
  • Multiple enhancements to Concrete QC to aid in faster quality review, approvals and report creation.
  • Multiple enhancements / modifications made to reports.
  • Utilities (data extract) module updated to include additional fields and provide metrics related to the timeliness of report generation.

Videos outlining some of the changes in the release can be found on the /wiki/spaces/MFI/pages/44236904 page.

Table of Contents

Release notes can be exported by selecting Export to PDF under the Tools menu in the upper-right corner of this page.


  • MetaField Project Setup main menu button relabeled to just Project Setup



  • Disciplines list added. This allows a firm to define their business disciplines. These disciplines are used elsewhere in MetaField to do some filtering (i.e. filtering Inspection & Observation Category / Coverage data to a particular discipline).
  • Grout / Mortar context added to the Location grid. Locations that are applicable to Grout / Mortar placements should be updated to be valid for the Grout / Mortar context.
  • Company logos used on reports are now stored and uploaded locally (versus a URL reference to a logo stored on another server).
  • New "Global" office record added for use on Activity Log records. This office is not editable.


  • New Security tab added to centralize all user / roles / subscription / security functions in MetaField.
  • Metadata added to User record to indicate if the user is a Project Manager or Technician - used to filter the list of users in certain lists (i.e. Technician pick list only shows users where Technician = TRUE).
  • Filter controls added to the User grid - Username, Office, Status, Role, Department, AgilePort Only, Project Manager, Technician
  • Manage Soil Proctor permission added. This new permission can be used to grant access to grant a role access to make changes to proctor data. It is assumed that only a select user or small group of users would have access to this capability.
  • User Mappings tab hidden for MetaField "stand alone" implementations.
  • Permissions are much more granular and easier to understand. For example, you can now control what areas within a module somebody has access to (i.e. they could just have access to the Concrete portion of the Field module versus all of Field / none of Field).
  • Assigning permissions to a role is now accomplished through a tree structure. Selecting a "parent" permission will automatically grant access to any "children" permissions. (The only exception to this very secure permissions - i.e. assigning the Lab permission won't automatically assign the ability to change proctor data). Very secure permissions need to be explicitly set by the administrator.
  • Manage Global Text Libraries permission added. This permission allows a user to enter / edit Activity Log text libraries associated with all (Global) offices.
  • Manage Activity Log Structure permission added. This permission allows a user to manage the Activity Log structure tree in Administration.
  • View Specimens and Change Specimens permissions added to control access to these concrete / grout / mortar functions.

Density Testing

  • Office added as additional metadata on the Nuclear Gauge, Sand Cone and Drive Cylinder tabs.
  • Data export functionality added to the three equipment tabs - Nuclear Gauges, Sand Cones, Drive Cylinders.
  • The option to include / exclude the Optimum Moisture Tolerance on Density reports was added. This can be controlled on the Soil Classifications tab.
  • Test Administration utility removed from the old Records Administrator tab (now removed) and moved back under the Density Testing tab.
  • Suppliers / Plants / Mix Designs can be set to allow or disallow draft values to be entered in the field. For example, Business Administrators may choose to pre-load suppliers and plants and NOT allow draft values to be entered in the Field module while still allowing draft mix designs to be entered in the field.
  • Batch reassign functionality added to Supplier / Plant / Mix Design. For example, any instance of mix design "ABC123" can be reassigned to mix design "ABC-123."
  • Nuclear Gauge standardization method added to support (ASTM D6939-10) (Radioactive Decay).
  • Standard Count method for Nuclear Gauge standardization updated to support Troxler 3450 gauges.
  • Remark codes are now configurable and can be up to 5 characters long. Business rules related to compaction, moisture and no test results can be assigned uniquely to remarks for each test type. Note: This change allows you to change the old "default" A & B remark codes to be a code more meaningful to you / your clients.
  • Sand Cones now support Method B calibration
  • Method B and Sand calibration data available for extract
  • Calibration grams has been changed to Weight of Funnel & Base Plate Sand (g) to support Method A calibration for Sand Cones.
  • Volume of Funnel & Base Plate (cm³) has been added to support Method A & B calibration. (Labeled as Calibration Volume on Sand Cone reports)

Concrete / Grout / Mortar

  • Concrete tab renamed to Concrete / Grout / Mortar and tabs reorganized to better accommodate the new grout / mortar sample types.
  • Sample Administration utility removed from the old Records Administrator (now removed) tab and moved back under the Concrete / Grout / Mortar tab.
  • Grout and Mortar contexts added to the Specimen Size grid. The Sample Type context column was updated to show one sample type or an icon indicating multiple sample types are associated with the specimen size.
  • Suppliers / Plants / Mix Designs can be set to allow or disallow draft values to be entered in the field. For example, Business Administrators may choose to pre-load suppliers and plants and NOT allow draft values to be entered in the Field module while still allowing draft mix designs to be entered in the field.
  • Batch reassign functionality added to Supplier / Plant / Mix Design. For example, any instance of mix design "ABC123" can be reassigned to mix design "ABC-123."
  • Focus remains on Supplier record when added.


  • New configuration tab for an enhanced Activity module scheduled to be completed in 2.7 release. Tabs are not expected to be fully functional in 2.6.

Inspections & Observations

  • Activity Types are now classified as either an Observation or an Inspection.
  • Categories can be designated as either an Observation or an Inspection (or both). This data is used to filter the values presented to the user in the Field module based on the selected activity type (i.e. an Observation or Simple Observation will only show a Category designated for use on an Observation).
  • Category Names can be duplicated, however no more than one instance of "Observation" or "Inspection" can be associated with a Category name that is the same.
  • Simple Special Inspection activity type changed to Special Inspection - Short Form.
  • Simple Observation activity type changed to Observation - Short Form.
  • Disciplines can be associated with Category and / or Coverage which will allow for filtering of Category / Coverage values in Field that are related to a particular business discipline.
  • Custom Field assignment pop up will now display in the middle of the screen (centered).
  • Manage Custom Fields button / control removed for all coverages belonging to the Various category since custom fields are not allowed on "Short Form" activities.
  • Action Type tab added. This tab allows you to configure the types of actions (phone, email, meeting, feedback, review, etc.) you would log on an inspection / observation record. See Inspections & Observations QC section for more details on Actions.
  • The Various category can be renamed.
  • Location Notes on specific Work Completed areas and Coverage Notes fields were removed.
  • Confusing references to "Observation" and "Description of Work Completed" reconciled and standardized.
  • Yes / No custom fields can be associated with the "None" Category at the Activity level only.
  • Special characters (i.e. % # ; , & : < > / \ ( ) ?) allowed in custom field names.


  • Each lab record can be designated as having a label printer or not. If not, questions / buttons related to printing a label are suppressed in the Lab module.


  • The Utilities section in Admin was removed. Users can still define their default column settings (at the user level) in the Utilities section of MetaField.


  • Report Administration utility removed from the old Records Administrator (now removed) tab and moved back under the Reports.
  • Reports can be "undelivered" (undo a "Delivered" status) in the Report Administration grid.
  • New Grout / Mortar reports added.


  • New configuration tab introduced in preparation for AgilePort 3.0. Various sub-tabs and functionality are being added, but are not yet functional. AgilePort 3.0 will be introduced in a future MetaField release.

Activity Log

  • Office now required. "Global" office should be used to denote a text entry as being applicable to all offices. Text entries specific to a single office should be defined with that specific office in the Office field.
  • The Manage Global Text Libraries (See Admin - Security) permission allows a user to enter / edit Activity Log text libraries associated with all (Global) offices.
  • The Manage Activity Log Structure (See Admin - Security) permission allows a user to manage the Activity Log structure tree.


General / All Areas

  • Pick list filtering capabilities added to Location pick lists.
  • Projects can no longer be changed when a record is being edited.


  • Probe Depth added to the copy test functionality.
  • Nuclear gauges are integrated with the test date more. Nuclear gauges can be selected (available in the lists) if the Test Date = Gauge Standardization date.
  • Asphalt added a a Probe Depth option.
  • Selected Supplier / Plant / Mix Design can be removed if needed.
  • Add New Field Activity button appears after a Density record is saved. This button allows the user to quickly enter another (different type) Field transaction for the same project.
  • Draft Supplier / Plant / Mix Design values can no longer be entered if disallowed by the business administrator in the Administration module.
  • Gauge Standardization: Users can now standardize nuclear gauges via ASTM D6938-10 (Radioactive Decay)
  • Gauge Standardization: Standard Count method updated to support Troxler 3450 gauges.
  • Water Content (pcf) field relabeled to be Weight of Water (pcf).
  • One-Point test interpreted max dry density and optimum moisture can be set to Pending for later interpretation.
  • Sand Cones calibrated via Method B now supported in Field.
  • Rough Surface - Alternate Test Method now supported in Field for Sand Cones calibrated by Method A or B.

Concrete / Grout / Mortar

  • Calculated test date added to specimen headers (blue header bars).
  • Order for the Temperature and Unit Weight sections of the field tests changed.
  • Truck Log sample type renamed to be Batch Log.
  • A Placement Notes field was added to the Batch Log section to provide to capture any important (and reportable) information related to the work. For example, if the addition of an Admixture was approved by a contractor, that information could be recorded in this free-form memo field, or if a slump measurement was out of specification, that could be communicated on the report.
  • The specimen header bars were updated to reflect the actual test date on the Pick Up and Check In screens.
  • Selected Supplier / Plant / Mix Design can be removed if needed.
  • The Air Content rounding rules are now variable. If measured by Pressure, then rounding to the nearest .1 is enforced. If measured by Volume, the rounding to the nearest .25 is enforced.
  • Pour Location field renamed to be Placement Location.
  • New Grout / Mortar main Field menu button added. This button is used to initiate the adding of a grout or mortar sample.
  • Add New Field Activity button appears after a Concrete / Grout / Mortar record is saved. This button allows the user to quickly enter another (different type) Field transaction for the same project.
  • When Technician = a "generic user," the Location Details column is no longer required.
  • When Cast By = a "generic user," the Sampled From, Time Cast, Time Sampled and Sample Location / Notes fields are no longer required.
  • Batch pick up / check in capabilities added so technicians can pick up / check in multiple sets that share the same metadata (curing information, min / max temp, etc.).
  • Supplier / Plant / Mix Design search no longer case sensitive (i.e. "concrete supplier" was treated as a draft value even if "Concrete Supplier" existed as an active value).
  • Draft Supplier / Plant / Mix Design values can no longer be entered if disallowed by the business administrator in the Administration module.
  • Spread specifications added where applicable.
  • Measurement Type field label changed to Consistency Measure.
  • Temperature field measurement field will have dynamic label based on sample type (Concrete Temp, Grout Temp, Mortar Temp).
  • Concrete Temp Standard field label changed to just be Temp Standard (since the standard is for more than just concrete).
  • Specimen numbers moved to the second line of the blue header bars on the Pick Up / Check In screens.

Inspections & Observations

  • Custom data grids allow users to copy the previous record (row) to create a new record using the new Copy button.
  • The Category list will be filtered based on the Activity Type selected. For example, only Categories designated for use on an Observation will display if Observation or Simple Observation is the selected Activity Type.
  • Discipline filter added to filter Category / Coverage selections to only those related to a selected discipline.
  • The I&O Field screens were updated for the new "Short Form" activity types. User can now define one or many coverages along with notes related to those coverages. If the activity type is a Special Inspection - Short Form activity, they can assign a Frequency at the Coverage (versus Activiity) level. Each Coverage could have a different Frequency assigned to it.
  • Placeholder text label will wrap to a new line if the text string is too long to display.
  • Simple Special Inspection activity type changed to Special Inspection - Short Form.
  • Simple Observation activity type changed to Observation - Short Form.
  • Add New Field Activity button appears after a I&O record is saved. This button allows the user to quickly enter another (different type) Field transaction for the same project.
  • Uploaded image (photo) and image metadata can now be edited in the Field module (i.e. delete a photo that was uploaded incorrectly, change a note about a photo, etc.).
  • Placeholder values (variables) can be defined without defining the data type first.
  • Certification ID field is editable on a "inspection" record.
  • Determination field is now optional so observations that are performed where a Determination does not apply can be accommodated. If no Determination is supplied, this value is hidden on reports.
  • Coverage Note field removed (only applied to "Short Form" activity type records). Existing data from this field appended to the end of the Description of Work Completed field. Values previously entered in these fields are appended to the Work Completed Description.
  • Confusing references to "Observation" and "Description of Work Completed" reconciled and standardized.
  • Yes / No fields associated with the "None" Category will display on the main screen (Activity level).
  • Image / picture rotation control added.

Activity Log

  • Add New Field Activity button appears after an Activity Log record is saved. This button allows the user to quickly enter another (different type) Field transaction for the same project.

Field Reports

  • Daily Report button label changed to Daily Field Report since this report is an automated aggregation of the field activities logged by technicians.
  • A Preview button / option was added to give the user an option to preview their report prior to sending it.
  • Activity Log reports can be created from the Field module. Note that you are NOT allowed to associate supporting reports to Activity Log entries in the Field module.

Quality Control

General / All Areas

  • Grid size (number of records in a grid) is remembered when returning to a main QC grid after editing a record.
  • Projects can no longer be changed when a record is being edited.

Density Testing

  • Pending tests can be added to reports now. This applies to all test types.
  • Reported filter options added - Reported as Complete and Not Reported As Complete.
  • Users have the option to include / exclude the Optimum Moisture Tolerance column on a report.
  • Radio buttons allow user to choose which Bituminous Max Density value is displayed on report. (Supplied / Lab).
  • Location Details broken out into its own column.
  • Proctor field added to the filter pane and can be used to filter density test data.
  • Water Content (pcf) field relabeled to be Weight of Water (pcf).
  • Rough Surface - Alternate Test Method now supported for Sand Cones calibrated by Method A or B.

Concrete / Grout / Mortar

  • Main QC button name changed from Concrete to Concrete / Grout / Mortar.
  • Concrete QC expanded to include the new Grout / Mortar samples. Renamed to "Concrete / Grout / Mortar.
  • Reported filter options added - Reported as Complete and Not Reported As Complete.
  • The test age for specimens marked as Hold specimens will have an "H" display to the right of the test age value.
  • Having a Remark Code is no longer required.
  • Sample Number filter added to the project search screen.
  • Lab status filters added to the filter pane so lab statuses can be filtered on.
  • Remark Code can be changed if the specimen is an "Untested" specimen.
  • User is asked if they want to finalize a report when setting specimens to Complete status (similar to the way Density tests ask this question when setting a test to Complete status).
  • Permission introduced that allows a user to change the Date Cast field. This permission should be assigned sparingly.
  • Location Details column is sortable.
  • Batch Specimen Report workflow optimized so report metadata is remembered and does not need to be supplied / confirmed again for each report. Repetitive messages like "Report Finalized" removed.
  • Concrete and Grout / Mortar grids separated into different tabs.
  • Only lab results for specimens marked complete will appear on reports. The specimen record can still be included, but the lab results won't display unless they have been set to the Complete status. This lessens the risk of lab results being reported prior to project manager review.
  • Measurement Type field label changed to Consistency Measure.
  • Status defaults to Complete when using the Set Status button.
  • User is asked if they want to create a Draft or Finalized report after they change the status of a specimen to Complete. The option to include just the selected specimen or all specimens is an option.
  • Batch Complete button added to change status of specimens in batch from Analyzed to Complete for all selected samples.

Inspections & Observations

  • Actions section added at the bottom of the I&O Edit screen. This utility can be used to log actions (phone, email, review, etc.) that need to be performed on an inspection / observation. Due Date, Completion Date and Notes can be logged on each action. In addition, supporting (non-reported) files can be attached to actions (i.e. an approval email from a city inspector, etc.).
  • Activity grid updated with icons indicating if actions are associated with an activity (red = overdue, green = action due within 7 days, green = actions present, but nothing overdue or due within 7 days).
  • Location and Location Details added to QC grid.
  • Report creation process enhanced by allowing users to select multiple activities from the main Activity grid and create reports from there. The list of report types presented is dynamic based on the types of activities selected for the report.
  • Confusing references to "Observation" and "Description of Work Completed" reconciled and standardized.
  • Image / picture rotation control added.

Activity Log

  • Default dates removed from the Add Reports pop up and the button label was changed from Filter to Search.



  • Dashboard filter and position remembered when leaving the Dashboard and returning to it.
  • Project Number added as a dashboard filter.


  • Not Reported queue changed to Not Reported As Complete queue.
  • One-Point and Drive Cylinder queues added to support these new test types.


  • Not Reported queue changed to Not Reported As Complete queue.
  • Grout & Mortar queues added to support these new sample types.
  • Logged Over 1 Day Old queue added to provide visibility to non-pickup specimens that have been in the field for more than 1 day.
  • Sample Management queues broken out between Concrete and Grout / Mortar.

Inspections & Observations

  • Action queues added to support the new Action utility added to I&O records.


  • A new Delivery queue section was added to provide project managers visibility into the Delivery module. Queues exist to show which reports are still in the Final or Complete status and need to be delivered still.


  • Description field (report metadata) can be edited.
  • Individual reports can be saved to disk using the disk icon / button in the report record.
  • Multiple reports can be saved to disk using the Batch Download button.



  • Special characters not allowed in report names.
  • All report popups displayed when creating a report disclose better which fields show up on the actual report versus which ones are supporting metadata (i.e. Label, Description) that does not display on the report.
  • Report Label is no longer a required field when creating a report.
  • Reports will now calculate the space needed for a digital signature based on the selected signature the user is placing (versus the largest signature on file for that user).

Concrete Reports

  • Sample and Set numbers added to the Placement Summary report.
  • The test age for specimens marked as Hold specimens will have an "H" display to the right of the test age value.
  • Air Content will dynamically display the correct decimal precision based on the approach used (Pressure versus Volume). Pressure rounds to the nearest .1 and Volume rounds to the nearest .25.
  • Curing information (curing environments, min/ max temp, etc.) can optionally be reported. User can decide to include / exclude when generating a report.
  • Sample and Set Number references that default in the Description field (report metadata) have been modified (i.e. Set-000012 Sample-123654). This is valuable of the new ability to publish or save reports with the Description field included in the report file name.
  • Supporting reports for grout cylinders, grout prism, mortar cube and mortar cylinders added.
  • Specifications fields will be hidden on reports if not defined (blank).

Density Reports

  • The option to include / exclude the Optimum Moisture Tolerance column on a density report was added and is presented to the user creating the report.
  • Sand Cone reports: Calibration Grams has been changed to Calibration Volume.

Field Reports

  • Daily Filed Report updated to show discrepancies opened today where "today" is compared to the Activity Date of the activity record versus the date it was added to the database.
  • Daily Field Report updated to not show a discrepancy as being closed if the Date Closed date is greater than the date of the activities being reported.

Inspections & Observations

  • Determination field hidden if not supplied (answered).
  • Inspections & Observation reports refactored to generally have a smaller font size, more clarity and general modifications to overall layout layout.

Activity Log

  • Font size increased slightly and layout changes (indentations, etc.) introduced to make the report more readable.



  • The order of Max Density and Optimum Moisture was changed.
  • Users will be warned if they try to save a Proctor record with a duplicate Proctor ID (for a given project).
  • Proctors can now be copied from one project to another project. The user will be presented an option to copy or not copy any associated images. Family curve data will also copy.
  • Multiple images can now be uploaded on a proctor (i.e. proctor curve and picture of the actual material).
  • Permission introduced that allows select users to change proctor data after proctor has been used on a test. NOTE: This permission should be assigned sparingly.

Concrete / Grout / Mortar Work Queues

  • If Print Label = No for a lab, the Print Label button will no longer display in the concrete work queues. In addition, the question pertaining to printing a label during the Receive process is suppressed.
  • The Change Lab button was added to the Testable and To Test queues.
  • The Print Break List button now presents an option to the user. The user can print all records or just selected records. This is helpful when specimens are added to the breaks for the day and allows you to append additional break list forms versus having to print the entire day's breaks.
  • Break List reports can be printed in batch for all sample types at one time or they can still be printed for an individual queue / sample type.
  • Break Remark is no longer a required field.
  • Record counts added to the right of each lab queue name so users are able to quickly see if a queue needs attention without requiring the user to open the queue.
  • Analyzed queue group renamed to Done.
  • Confirmation message presented if user presses the Backspace key in the results entry / edit screens to help avoid unintended loss of data that has not been saved yet.
  • Grout and Mortar queues added to support these new sample types.
  • To Receive queue sorted by Sample Number by default.
  • For cylinder lab data entry, the Length column / field label has been changed to Height.
  • A new results entry pop up screen was added as an option for Cast Cylinder sample types. This allows a lab technician to click the pencil icon next to the cylinder they are testing and enter the results (for only that specimen) in a larger pop up window. This is beneficial for those entering test results directly at the compression machines.


  • Permission introduced that allows select users to change lab density result data after the result has been used on a test. NOTE: This permission should be assigned sparingly.


  • Billing extract utility updated to include grout / mortar sample types.
  • Billing extract utility allows more statuses (earlier than Checked In) along with filtering on records where the Cast By person is a "generic user" (i.e. "contractor" - not an employee of the firm).

Project Specifications


  • Project-level time zone setting introduced. Projects will use the global time zone defined in the Administration module unless an alternative time zone is defined for the project on the General tab of Project Specifications.

Concrete / Grout / Mortar

  • Specifications grid expanded to includes specifications related to grout / mortar samples.
  • Specifications grid interface updated to reflect the variable specifications based on the sample types.
  • Spread specifications added to applicable sample types.

Field Reports

  • Daily Field Report Distribution List label changed to Daily Field Report / Activity Log Distribution List. This distribution list is shared by both the Daily Field Report and Activity Log reports that can be generated in the field.



  • Density extracts broken out into individual data extracts (by Test Type). Users must select a Test Type filter prior to proceeding.
  • Additional fields added to each extract to show when each record was first and last reported (date) and what the name of the report was when it was first / last reported.
  • New fields added to all data extracts to account for new / changed fields in the application.
  • Sand Cone data extract updated to include the new Method B fields.

Concrete / Grout / Mortar

  • Grout / mortar fields added as data extract options.

Usability / Navigation

  • Back button added to the User Profile page that end users interact with.


2.6.1 / 2.6.2 / 2.6.3 / 2.6.4

  • Bug fixed that prevented users from seeing density remark codes if certain tests types were inactivated.
  • Limited alternate report titles on Field Reports (Field module) to 35 characters.
  • Prevented projects from being changed from within a test / sample / activity record. Users must go back to the main Field menu button and change the project from the project selection screen.
  • Bug fixed with the Discrepancy Log not being included (if selected) with a Special Inspection report.
  • System performance (save time) improved when saving a modified Inspection & Observation activity record.
  • Date picker control modified for the "Specify Date" links (Time Batched, Time Arrived, Time Truck Empty) on concrete / grout / mortar samples. Allows for the selection of one day prior to the cast date, the cast date, or one day after the cast date.
  • First name of the User can be updated to be a different name than the source ERP system First Name value and it won't be overwritten. This applies to situations where the ERP system stores a legal name, but the user has a preferred name they use.
  • Certain required field validations are ignored if the User record does not have a Username assigned. This allows administrators to manage the Technician / Project Manager variables on the User record without filling in the rest of the required User data.
  • If a User is an AgilePort Only user, Office is no longer required.
  • Grout / Mortar remark codes are included on the printed Remark Codes report.


  • Public Code and Public Description can be set on density test remark codes. These are the codes that will be reported on the reports.
  • Density remark code business rules updated to better align with density tests with no moisture specifications.
  • Bug fixed that did not store the Test Date and Lab Cure fields if the concrete / grout / mortar sample was originally saved as Draft.
  • External ID (from ERP system) can be stored on Project and Client records in Project Setup. This also includes the ability to import these fields.


  • Bug fixes for Project Setup for customers running without an adapter or in hybrid mode.


  • Nuclear gauge standardizations can be back dated, but default to "today's" date. A back date >= the last standardization date can be used (not earlier than the last standardization date).


  • Issue with custom fields on an Inspection & Observation record that repeated on a report was fixed.
  • Issue (specific case) that prevented Activity Log text libraries to be entered was fixed.
  • Issue with Work Completed Description field not getting copied to a new Inspection & Observation record (when copying) was fixed.


  • Nuclear gauge (Standard Count type) Standardization Date will only default to the system date ("today") if there was a standardization date "yesterday." If not, users will need to choose / enter a standardization date. NOTE: It is still very important that standardizations be entered into Metafield in the order they are done. It is our recommendation that standardization data be entered the same day the standardization test happens.
  • Density tests no longer have a default date ("today") for the Test Date. Users must select the date the test happens (similar to selecting the Cast Date for concrete / grout / mortar).
  • A "Manual Count" gauge type option was added to the nuclear gauges. Manual Count gauges can be created when you maintain standard count records outside of MetaField and do not want to use MetaField to manage pass / fail standardization tests (comparing current standardization to the average of the last four counts). A "Manual Count" gauge can also be set up to resolve situations where standardization tests were entered into MetaField in the wrong order, thus creating a gap in the order of dates.
  • The Gauge Standardization screen allows for the selection of a "Manual Count" gauge. When standardizing this type of gauge, only the current counts are entered and no test (comparison to prior counts) is performed. This type of gauge can be standardized at any time and the date, compared to other dates, does not matter.
  • Nuclear gauge data extract functionality in Utilities does not allow for the filtering or export of "Manual Count" gauge data, as it is assumed that these records are being maintained outside of MetaField.
  • An issue related to the Frequency field not displaying on a Special Inspection report was fixed.
  • An issue related to certain concrete lab test data not getting included in a concrete data extract in Utilities was fixed.


  • Activity Log entries reported from the field in the Field Reports module can be edited in the browser version of the Activity Log module.


Videos detailing some of the features found in the new Activity module can be viewed by going to: /wiki/spaces/MFI/pages/52101243

  • Subscription tab in Administration modified to allow users the ability to pull historically subscription data.
  • New Administration tab and sub-tabs added to support Activity. Tabs include: Form Designer, Search/Results Display and Text Library.
  • Certifications tab added in Administration. This tab will be used to store users's certifications for use in Activity.
  • Locations can now be assigned for use in Activity records
  • Field and Quality Control sections added to support Activity data capture, review and reporting.
  • Dashboard queues for Activity introduced.
  • Project Specifications now has Activity tab where users can input Field Instructions specific to Activity field users. Also, email distribution list added for Activity Field Reports.
  • Field Reports now supports Activity reports.
  • Admin users can control whether a report type displays for selection in Activity Report Associations, QC-Draft Reports and Delivery filters.
  • Utilities supports Activity Data Extracts.
  • Support for Internet Explorer 8.x has been discontinued. Please use an updated version of Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, or Mozilla Firefox.


  • Issue preventing digital signatures from being applied to multiple reports (batch signing) in Delivery fixed.
  • Issue resolved that prevented Activity field "helper text" from displaying in QC and on reports for data grids.
  • Rare issue caused by extra line in field labels that prevented the Activity data grid in QC from appearing fixed.
  • Density tests will be ordered by test number (versus database ID) on density reports. Rare break in test number order was exposed when tests were moved from one project to another and the table IDs were not in the same sequential order as the test numbers.