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Table of Contents


Table of Contents



Upload your Logo.

Determine the default Quality Control Sort Order.

Determine the way names will display on reports.

Identify the appropriate Time Zone for your organization.                                                                                                                         

 General - Settings


Add the list of departments at your firm.

Departments are an optional configuration item.
General - Departments


Add the list of your offices at your firm (include name, address, phone fax.).

Upload a report logo for an office that differs from your general logo.
General - Offices


Add the business-friendly names for each of your work breakdown structure levels, and relate these names to their respective WBS level.

WBS is an optional configuration item.
General - WBS

GeneralGlobal Documents

Define how Global Documents will be categorized into Groups.

Add documents/web links to each group.

Associate documents/links with a specific Safety field forms.

General - Global Document

SecurityRoles (tick)Define roles and apply roles to your users.

Set up access for MetaField and AgilePort users.  Assign them to the role using this tab, or the Roles tab.

Determine if they should appear in dropdown lists for Project Managers, Field Technicians, and Lab Technicians.

ReportsGlobal Settings

Decide if you want report numbering turned on or off. (By default, numbering is turned off).

Create a Report Email Message that will be used when emailing reports from the Field module.

Create a Report Email Message that will be used when emailing reports from Non-Field modules.

Determine if you want reports emailed from the Field Module to be sent as a link or attachment.

Determine if you want reports emailed from any other area in MetaField (Non-Field) to be sent as a link or attachment.

 Reports - Global Settings

ReportsReport Types

Define and add Uploaded Report Types.

Define and add Consolidated Report Types.

Using Uploaded and Consolidated reports is an optional configuration.

Reports - Report Types

ReportsDigital Signatures

Define settings for your unique Digital Signature configurations.

NameSignature TypeRequire Digital Signature on FinalizeField Signature NoteFinal Signature NoteLIMS Signature NoteAllow Alternate Final Report Signature Note When Signed by Someone Other than the Project ManagerAlt. Report Signature NoteSignature Note Justification
Digital With Seal Graphic, Long Signature NoteDigital With Seal GraphicNO
This item has been electronically signed and sealed by {{User}} on {{Short Date}} using a Digital Signature.This item has been electronically signed and sealed by {{User}} on {{Short Date}} using a Digital Signature.NO

This configuration is only required if you plan to use AgileStamp to sign reports.

Reports - Digital Signatures

Work Items / Field CostsWork Items

Determine if you will be tracking field costs in MetaField.

If you decide to track field costs, configure the following:

  • Determine if you want to display field costs to the Field Technician.
  • Add Field Costs with the appropriate Cost Types and Cost Units.

Work Items / Field Costs - Costs 


GeneralGeneric Users​

Add any generic names to appear on technician dropdown lists, which do not exist as employees in your accounting system.
General - Generic Users


Determine what pre-configured location values will be used for Density Testing.

Edit the existing values where appropriate.

Add any additional locations needed.
General - Locations 

GeneralSuppliers / Mix Designs

Add commonly used Suppliers; as well as their related Plants and Mix Designs that are used in your bituminous density testing operations.

Associate the Asphalt material with these Plants and Mix Designs.

Determine if Draft values will be allowed.

General - Suppliers / Mix Designs

Density TestingSettings

Define global setting for Minimum Specified Compaction - and optionally, Maximum Specified Compaction.
Density Testing - Settings
Density TestingTest Type (tick)Inactivate any Density Test types not used by your organization.
Density Testing - Test Type
Density TestingNuclear Gauges

Prepare a list of all Nuclear Gauges used by your organization, their associated Density and Moisture readings, Calibration and Leak Test information. For example:

Calibration Date
Calibrated by


Radioactive Decay





Jane Doe

St. Paul


Standard Count





Jane Doe

St. Paul

Density Testing - Nuclear Gauges

Density TestingSand Cones

Prepare a list of all Sand Cones, their associated information for use in calculating test results, and Calibration information. For example:

Sand Cone ID
Calibration / Test Sand Name
Method A Bulk Density of Sand (g/cm3)
Method B Bulk Density of Sand (g/cm3)
Wt. of Funnel & Base Plate Sand (g)
Vol. of Funnel & Base Plate Sand (cm3)
Calibration Date
Calibrated by

SC 01567


ASand 00571.525




Bill Smith

Density Testing - Sand Cones

Density TestingDrive Cylinder

Prepare a list of all Drive Cylinders used by your organization, their associated parameters, and Calibration information. For example:

Drive Cylinder ID
Wt of Cylinder (lb)
Top Diameter (in)
Bottom Diameter (in)
 Cylinder Ht (in)
Volume of Cylinder (cf)
Calibration Date
Calibrated by
A-428A-4282.8440.03606/28/13J. Doe
Cylinder ABSC 0221341.6332.66 0.11108/06/13Mary Smith

Density Testing - Drive Cylinders

Density TestingBituminous Material (tick)Edit or add to pre-defined Bituminous Materials list as needed. 
Density Testing - Bituminous Material
Density TestingSoil Classifications (tick)

Review pre-defined global settings for Upper and Lower Moisture Tolerances, and edit if needed.

Add list of all Soil Classifications which may be present in your proctors. 

Optional:  Add Sub-Code (to create uniqueness between Codes if you would like more granular descriptions). Add Moisture Tolerance parameters for individual Soil Classifications if different than the global tolerances defined at the top of the Soil Classifications tab.

CodeSub-CodeDescriptionLower Moisture % ToleranceUpper Moisture % ToleranceRequires Retest


Lean clay






Lean clay with sand


CLGVLean clay with gravel


Density Testing - Soil Classifications

Density TestingStandards

Define Sand Cone standards used by your organization.  For example:

Measurement Type
Default Value


ASTM D4959



Density Testing - Standards

Density TestingRemarks (tick)Review pre-defined remarks, and edit or add to as needed.  
Density Testing - Remarks
LIMS / SamplesBituminous Test Methods

List all Bituminous Test Methods used by your organization.  See examples below.

Marshall                                                    ASTM C123

LIMS - Bituminous Test Methods

LIMS / SamplesSoil Proctors- Standards (tick)

Select the appropriate test type the standard is associated with: Density or Moisture.

Add the appropriate Density and Moisture standards.

LIMS - Soil Proctors

LIMS / SamplesSoil Proctors - Source

Enter the appropriate Sources to be used when adding proctor results within LIMS.

LIMS - Soil Proctors

LIMS / SamplesSoil Proctros - Origin

Enter the appropriate Origins to be used when adding proctor results within LIMS.

LIMS - Soil Proctors

LIMS / SamplesSoil Proctors - Methods (tick)

Select the appropriate Standard that is associated with the method being added.
LIMS - Soil Proctors

ReportsReport Types

Define settings for your density testing report types.

Report Code
Field Alternative Title
QC Alternative Title
Run Time
Alternative Title
Digital Signature
Send Field Reports to
Soil Density - Nuclear GaugeSNG
In Place Density Testing - Nuclear Method
ASTM D6938Digital With Seal Graphic, Long Signature NoteQuality Control - Field Reports

Reports - Report Types

ReportsReport Labels

Create a list of report labels for density testing reports (used to help in filtering and searching for reports).

This is an optional configuration.
Reports - Report Labels

Work Items / Field CostsCost Types

Define the Cost Types you would like associated with your field density testing operations.

This is configuration is only needed if you'd like to track field costs through MetaField.

Work Items / Field Costs - Cost Types 

Work Items / Field CostsCost Units (tick)

Review pre-defined Cost Units. Edit list as needed.

This is configuration is only needed if you'd like to track field costs through MetaField.

Work Items / Field Costs - Cost Units


Define how Global Documents will be categorized into Groups.

Add documents/web links to each group.

Associate documents/links with a specific Safety field forms.

General - Global Document
GeneralGeneric Users​Add any generic names to appear on lab technician dropdown lists, which do not exist as employees in your accounting system.
General - Generic Users

Determine what pre-configured location values will be used for Sampling.

Edit the existing values where appropriate.

Add any additional locations needed.

Associate sampling locations with respective materials they apply to.
General - Locations

GeneralData Sources (tick)

Add global lists that you can source from and use on your custom built safety forms.

Review options of pre-defined lists. Inactivate and add options as necessary.

General - Data Sources

GeneralGlobal Documents

SafetyForms (tick)

Define how forms will be categorized into Groups.

Review the Safety Form Templates in the "Predefined Form Templates (Copy Forms for Use)" Group.

Define a form(s) within a selected Group.

Copy Predefined Form Templates you wish to use in your operations to one of your custom Safety Groups.

Define the customizable Fields for each Form.

Activity - Forms

Form Designer

SafetySearch Results / Display (tick)

Configure which Safety Fields users can search by.

Configure which fields populate in the search results grids/pages.

Activity - Search / Results Display

ReportsReport Types

Define settings for your Activity report types.

Report Code
Field Alternative Title
QC Alternative Title
Run Time Alternative Title
Digital Signature Configuration
Send Field Reports to
Near Miss ReportSNMRNear Miss Field ReportNear Miss Report


Reports - Report Types

ReportsReport Labels

Create a list of report labels for your Safety reports (used to help in filtering and searching for reports).

This is an optional configuration.
Reports - Report Labels
